Version 15.9


Staff member
The following is an abbreviated version of the Subversion commit message logs. Please keep in mind that these messages are intended for other developers and they take the files which were modified into context in order to limit the amount of verbage. In general, they are not intended for general audiences and should not be treated as "official" documentation -- they are informal and abbreviated, at best.

If you do not understand what something says, try looking at the full version of the revision by following the accompanying link for the revision. The only difference is that the files which were modified will be listed, and sometimes, you can guess what happened from file names (though not always). If you still have no idea what happened, that's okay -- it probably doesn't relate to what you're doing with KoLmafia.

Furthermore, not everything marked as "fixed" is guaranteed to be fixed, not all changes are guaranteed to have a change. This is due the fact that both time and turns are finite and only a limited number of things can be tested. Some changes go in untested, assuming they would work, when they actually don't due to erroneous assumptions.

Finally, if you've got a bug to report, make sure you read up on how to post a detailed bug report. That can be found here. Most importantly, I hate the words "annoying" and "frustrating". Never use them when describing a bug/feature. Ever. Thanks. The abridged revision logs follow.

Revision: 11693
For monsters with randomly-generated names, identify them by their image instead of by the zone you are in

Revision: 11694
Arena parameters for Hovering Skull

Revision: 11695
experimental fix for Java 7 issue: ipv6 causes login to fail.

Revision: 11696
fix some equipment powers

Revision: 11697
Add Haggis Kick, fix haggis socks power

Revision: 11698
handle all HTTP 30* response codes. thanks

Revision: 11699
Add the rest of the papier-mache items

Revision: 11700
Powers. Equipment Powers.

Revision: 11701
Gnomish swimmer's ears allow the Gnome to adventure underwater.

Revision: 11702
Run Like the Wind cannot be permed. Ninja snowman assassins now drop coal buttons.

Revision: 11703
Add "factoid" as an allowed goal type

Revision: 11704
Advent calendar "chocolate" items

Revision: 11705
Limit uses of mediocrebar chocolates. Allow multicasting of The Smile of Mr. A.

Revision: 11706
Show damage that will be dealt at A-Boo Peak noncombat

Revision: 11707
Experimental ASH feature: the main() function of imported scripts can now be
invoked, under the alternate name main@filename()
(where 'filename' can be overridden by a 'script' directive, any ".ash"
suffix is dropped, and non-alphanumeric characters are replaced by
underscores). Note that no spaces are allowed around the @, the whole thing
is a single token.
Boolean functions that can exit without executing a 'return' statement are
now errors rather than warnings. You've had 9 months to fix these.

Revision: 11708
Animelves, Crimbokutown Toy Factory, toy components.
MOve "script" stationary button to a fixed place - second.

Revision: 11709
Tiny Plastic Series 3

Revision: 11710
Animelf Apparel

Revision: 11711
back items are now pulverizable

Revision: 11712
Animelf Apparel definition adjustment.

Revision: 11713
Added monsters to Crimbokutown Toy Factory

Revision: 11714
Add Uncle Crimboku toys as concoctions.

Revision: 11715
Fix BittyCar SoulCar entry in items.txt

Revision: 11716
In items.txt, fix the BittyCar SoulCar entry for good, and restore the Misty Cloak entry.

Revision: 11717
BittyCars are reusable.

Revision: 11718
some type safety, courtesy catch22

Revision: 11719
provide an option in the custom combat special dropdown to disable safe pickpocket behavior

Revision: 11720
properly show if safePickpocket is enabled when you first log in

Revision: 11721
timers are shruggable

Revision: 11722
add an icon for the safePickpocket setting

Revision: 11723
ensure LoginFrame responds promptly to keyboard/mouse input

Revision: 11724
blind-packed capsule toys are multi-usable. Add some tiny plastic plurals.

Revision: 11725
refresh session data after resetting daily counters, since an API hit will update fullness/spleen if things were done outside of mafia before the first login.

Revision: 11726
revert Revision 11725 until I can figure out why it's resetting peoples' fortune cookie counters.

Revision: 11727
alternate version of Revision 11725: just don't reset fullness/spleenhit after an API.php hit.

Revision: 11728
Animelf drop rates.

Revision: 11729
Add tiny plastic advent calendar items. Factory animelves cap at 10k ML.

Revision: 11730
Add Super Crimboman Ultra Mega Hypersword and the associated Crimbo offhands. Add tiny plastic advent item.

Revision: 11731
Crimbo Cafe

Revision: 11732
Add recipe for trophy pinata

Revision: 11733
Activated ChibiBuddy, its buff, and used bubble-wrap simulators

Revision: 11734
If a beforePVPScript aborts, stop before using a fight instead of after

Revision: 11735
gold wedding ring is single-equip

Revision: 11736
Frown Exerciser now has an equip requirement

Revision: 11737
force a town_wrong.php hit if we haven't visited the arcade already this ascension and we try to do something at the ticket counter (most likely a token was pulled)

Revision: 11738
force Item Manager consumption panel GUI to respond quickly to input

Revision: 11739
Super Crimboman Ultra Mega Hypersword is a 2-handed sword.
Add Super Crimboman Ultra Mega Hypersword and the associated offhands as concoctions, so they are creatable.

Revision: 11740
synchronize some methods in CompositeReference

Revision: 11741
sweet mochi ball effects

Revision: 11742
Initial support for the new Snow Suit IoTM. Track usage in the _snowSuitCount preference.
Add annual FoTMs.
Smut orc pervert is sleaze-aligned.

Revision: 11743
fix 2 tiny plastic powers

Revision: 11744
silver shrimp forks have an autosell value, but cannot be autosold.

Revision: 11745
only consider a crop "better" if it is the same crop type as the desired crop.

Revision: 11746
Sayonara Crimbo Cafe.

Revision: 11747
more FOTY content

Revision: 11748
update questlog text for L3 quest

Revision: 11749
bubblin' crude autosell value

Revision: 11750
plural for watered-down red minotaur

Revision: 11751
more new stuff

Revision: 11752
dream jar consumption data

Revision: 11753

Revision: 11754
finish implementing carrot juice
explicitly specify that pastes give 10 turns of their respective effects

Revision: 11755
Uncle Crimbo gifts and a few consumables

Revision: 11756
chew -> use

Revision: 11757
Track drops for the Unconscious Collective and for the Jung Man, with the _dreamJarDrops and _jungDrops preferences.
Carrot nose and juice are multiusable.

Revision: 11758
use unix EOL formatting for all data files

Revision: 11759
track jung man charges in jungCharge pref. Display how soon the next jar will drop if one hasn't dropped yet.

Revision: 11760
zone data for psychoses

Revision: 11761
rusty hedge trimmer plural

Revision: 11762
add a bevy of new content monsters, thanks Darzil
other assorted new content

Revision: 11763
jung drops set the counter to 0 rather than decrementing by 30

Revision: 11764
set jung familiardata directly rather than first making sure the current familiar is jung, then setting

Revision: 11765
The Snow Suit looses a pound every 5 fights, not 4.

Revision: 11766
Fix rubber gloves entry, add Young Man's Crew Sequester

Revision: 11767

Revision: 11768
Recognize "very" angry cavebugbears

Revision: 11769
fix monsters.txt typos

Revision: 11770
CEO office card leads to a choice adventure

Revision: 11771
experimental: add overloaded maximize() signature in ASH
maximize( string maximizerString, int maxPrice, int priceLevel, boolean simulate, boolean showEquipment )
returns an aggregate of records with each record containing the fields:
**display => display text, as it is shown in the maximizer frame
**cmd => actual command string that the maximizer runs to get the boost
**score => the boost's score
**effect => the effect provided by the boost - if applicable. effect[none] if it is equipment.
If the showEquipment argument is false, equipment will be omitted from the results.

Revision: 11772
Remove a russian ice from inventory when you get a double-ice gum while trick-or-treating.

Revision: 11773
List psychoses monsters in their zones

Revision: 11774
Fix Crackpot Mystic due to KoL backend changes

Revision: 11775
add $item field to 5-parameter version of maximize()

Revision: 11776
don't suggest turning mr. As into ms. As when maximizing

Revision: 11777
frown exercisers are single equip

Revision: 11778
When printing override data to gCLI, also print to session log.

Revision: 11779
drop rates for twin peak

Revision: 11780
all monsters respond to MCD now

Revision: 11781
add .skill field to 5-parameter version of maximize(). is $skill[none] if it's not a skill.

Revision: 11782
Update pixel images and fix parsing of items in Crackpot Mystic shop

Revision: 11783
reject mallsell commands that contain strictly numeric item names, since the user probably didn't understand the syntax and inputted a comma-delimited number.

Revision: 11784
Lots of psychoanalytic items

Revision: 11785
Uncle Crimboku is gone.
A little late, but mark the bitchin' meatcar as matchable, so that the bittycar meatcar isn't the only creatable item left in the list returned by ItemFinder.getFirstMatchingItem() when typing a command like "create meatcar".

Revision: 11786
Add a (invisible) horizontal strut to CompactSidePane so that the sidebar doesn't jump around resizing itself when gaining/losing HP/MP or swapping familiars. Didn't that bug anybody else? Man.

Revision: 11787
monsters.txt no longer says HP/Atk/Def are 0 unless they are actually 0. Unknown values are simply blank.
raw_hp raw_attack and raw_defense now return -1 if the value is unknown.

Revision: 11788
proper oil peak crude drops

Revision: 11789
bugged balaclava/beanie are a fold group.

Revision: 11790
skip updating familiar image from charpane when it's the snow suit.

Revision: 11791
Track when a psychoanalytic jar is filled and when one is used

Revision: 11792
tiny plastic series 3 rares and UR are single-equip

Revision: 11793
fix charpane NPE with familiar=none

Revision: 11794
Having an Unconscious Collective familiar gives +3 free rests

Revision: 11795
Added phylum to oil monsters

Revision: 11796
Track aura of the Happy Medium (even while wearing the snow suit) via fight results

Revision: 11797
only look for happy medium charge text if we've won the fight (and we have her equipped).
assorted other cleanup/refactoring in FightRequest

Revision: 11798
Account for base stat caps from The Crackpot Mystic's Psychoses

Revision: 11799
Do not throw a NPE when buying an unknown item from the Crackpot Mystic

Revision: 11800
Add new pixel items and halloween treats

Revision: 11801
You can "make as many as possible" again at the Crackpot Mystic

Revision: 11802
add _favorRareSummons
move bricko eye brick handling to ResultProcessor.gainItem

Revision: 11803
fix untinker link to actually go to the untinker, rather than just forestvillage.php

Revision: 11804
shorten name of psychoanalytic jar in Drops daily deed

Revision: 11805
add _jickJarAvailable: set whenever you look at jick's profile with a jar in inventory
values are unknown, true, false

Revision: 11806
Fix modifier typos

Revision: 11807
Update multiple flag for a bunch of known items that are incorrect

Revision: 11808
add (optional) Jick Jar daily deed
this will probably do more stuff than just be informational eventually.

Revision: 11809
fix items.txt primary/secondary thing

Revision: 11810
"crit" is a maximizer keyword for Critical Hit Percent

Revision: 11811
Fix tracking based on a few items that can be acquired outside of combat

Revision: 11812
Fix more tracking for acquiring items that can be bought from the mall

Revision: 11813
Feast of Boris applies in Fist runs

Revision: 11814
Feast of Boris will no longer apply in Fist runs...

Revision: 11815
Make the check for Jick's jar only work when looking at his profile, and don't update the setting if you have already viewed a jar that day

Revision: 11816
add old man psychosis noncombat spoilers
also fix (I think) a bug that prevented A-Boo peak spoilers from being shown

Revision: 11817
Add carrot cake and carrot claret recipes.
Add more Psychoanalytic meatpasting recipes.
Add Arena data for the Angry Jung Man.

Revision: 11818
Remove extra space in items.txt.

Revision: 11819
maximizer: don't recommend buying items that the mall does not have in stock

Revision: 11820
do not ignore price limits (and other kinds of limits) for singleton-equip items when maximizing

Revision: 11821
fix "login" while logged out

Revision: 11822
Switch the labels around for A-Boo Clue hints

Revision: 11823
Add some plurals

Revision: 11824
Recognize when a jar of psychoses is used from the relay browser. Add the jar to get_campground\(\).\n\nDo not load the campground whenever a new item is used. Remove items from the campground when using an item will destroy them.

Revision: 11825
update ChoiceManager.lastResponseText after every choice step, not just the first.

Revision: 11826
fix $stats not returning Muscle

Revision: 11827
Fix arena data for Angry Jung Man.

Revision: 11828
Add support for reduced defense due to The Lost Glasses

Revision: 11829
The limit on filling psychoanalytic jars only applies to Jick jars now

Revision: 11830
Fix typos in monsters.txt.

Revision: 11831
Abort when KoL recommends that you raise your main stat to adventure in a zone

Revision: 11832
Groar is cold. Add some Chinatown drops.

Revision: 11833
Chester's sunglasses stack with The Lost Glasses

Revision: 11834
Fix removal of A-Boo clue when you get the choice adventure

Revision: 11835
Manuel potions

Revision: 11836
Do not attempt to adjust the mind-control device if it is already set to the value you want

Revision: 11837
Change "manuel" to "factoid" to avoid purchasing a Monster Manuel

Revision: 11838
The Suspicious Looking Guy's Shady Past: add goals, phylum, and choice adventure settings

Revision: 11839
Fix missing space for the White Bone Demon entry in monsters.txt

Revision: 11840
Add a couple of items

Revision: 11841
Lots of new items

Revision: 11842
Add items to the Vending Machine coinmaster

Revision: 11843
Artist jar effects. Vending Machine spellbooks are tradeable.

Revision: 11844
Mark rusty hedge trimmers as "usable", not "multiple", so that use link will
not use ajax, which does not work, since it redirects to a choice adventure.
(Yes, I know that if you multiple of them in your inventory, the inventory page
gives you a "use multiple" link. I have no idea how that is supposed to work.)

Revision: 11845
The Snow Suit only melts when you defeat a monster

Revision: 11846
more linux-friendly implementation of daily deeds help text
update the help button documentation

Revision: 11847
Vending Machine skills, IotM locations, plurals

Revision: 11848
Remove the Game walkthru when you finish the zone

Revision: 11849
Fix parsing of Vending Machine purchases and update Galapagosian Cuisses +weight

Revision: 11850
Fix Vending Machine URL

Revision: 11851
allow resting at full hp/mp when beaten up.
instead of short-circuiting all of decorate() in BarrelDecorator when relayShowSpoilers=false, just prevent writing to the buffer when appropriate.

Revision: 11852
Add images for effects from Vending Machine skills

Revision: 11853
make Hatter deed more thread-safe

Revision: 11854
Fix typo in 'pile of dungeon junk' entry

Revision: 11855
Monsters and items from the Video Game dungeon

Revision: 11856
wet willied and really deep breathing obviate the need for familiar equipment/diving gear when buying from big brother

Revision: 11857
Healthy Red Glow and Healthy Green Glow

Revision: 11858
Fix GamePro magazine plural

Revision: 11859
Crude fix for the recent deprecation of searchmall.php: MallSearchRequest now always uses mall.php.

Revision: 11860
Update some item properties, add a few consumables, fix equipment power, and update mallprices

Revision: 11861
Bump version to 15.9