Version 15.3


Staff member
The following is an abbreviated version of the Subversion commit message logs. Please keep in mind that these messages are intended for other developers and they take the files which were modified into context in order to limit the amount of verbage. In general, they are not intended for general audiences and should not be treated as "official" documentation -- they are informal and abbreviated, at best.

If you do not understand what something says, try looking at the full version of the revision by following the accompanying link for the revision. The only difference is that the files which were modified will be listed, and sometimes, you can guess what happened from file names (though not always). If you still have no idea what happened, that's okay -- it probably doesn't relate to what you're doing with KoLmafia. ^_~

Furthermore, not everything marked as "fixed" is guaranteed to be fixed, not all changes are guaranteed to have a change. This is due the fact that both time and turns are finite and only a limited number of things can be tested. Some changes go in untested, assuming they would work, when they actually don't due to erroneous assumptions; alpha testers occasionally will be able to give feedback, but it's not always possible.

For example, if you read the revision logs for what changed between 10.2 and 10.3, the plus sign choice adventure was meant to get a use link. Something as seemingly insignificant as KoL using two spaces instead of one space in the sentence "It's actually a book. Read it." would mean the change didn't actually work -- anyone can verify that, in fact, the change didn't work for this very reason. If you ever encounter something like that, a non-accusatory mention of it (non-accusatory meaning anything that neither implies "ZOMG FALSE ADVERTISING" nor "You guys said this was fixed, but...") somewhere will usually result in the problem getting addressed.

Finally, if you've got a bug to report, make sure you read up on how to post a detailed bug report. While the rules outlined apply specifically to bugs related to scripting, many of them are applicable to KoLmafia bug reports in general. Most importantly, I hate the words "annoying" and "frustrating". Never use them when describing a bug/feature. Ever. Thanks. The abridged revision logs follow.

Revision: 10966
Lycanthropy, Eh? gives +moxie, not -moxie

Revision: 10967
Detect failure to drop to Casual when Boris forbids it

Revision: 10968
Candycaine powder plural added

Revision: 10969
"steal" command now works for revamped PvP

Revision: 10970
astral mace and astral pistol give +4 PVP fights, not +5

Revision: 10971
Added boolean hippy_stone_broken() function

Revision: 10972
Fix the check for a broken hippy stone

Revision: 10973
Added Request Sandwich and related items

Revision: 10974
When the monster changes during a fight, reset its attack and defense as well as its hp.

Revision: 10975
Add default goals for Hidden City (automatic) adn for the Suburbs of Dis locations.
Remove an extra space from itemdescs.txt.

Revision: 10976
Initial support for Bugbear Invasion

Revision: 10977
Track uses of chocolates and once per day items used during breakfast

Revision: 10978
Add key-o-tron

Revision: 10979
Boris's Helm is only a Free Pull if you are in Axecore

Revision: 10980
Add Bugbear Token as a Coinmaster. Untested and incomplete: we need item
numbers for the untradable 50, 60, and 70 BURT items

Revision: 10981
You cannot buy things from the Swgger Shop if you are in Hardcore or Ronin
Add UV monocular
flower schnapps give 3 drunk and +1 PVP fight.
flower pie gives +1 PVP fight

Revision: 10982
Pretty bouquet, barbed-wire fence, and white picket fence are no longer campground items

Revision: 10983
Boris's Helm (askew) also isn't a free pull outside of Axecore.

Revision: 10984
New items

Revision: 10985
Add a few more items. For the purpose of the BURT Coinmaster, pluralize BURT as

Revision: 10986
Fix BURTRequest: this is the first Coinmaster where you specify to item to buy
not via an item number, but via the number of tokens you are spending

Revision: 10987
Food/booze that gives 0 adventures does not benefit from milk/ode. Remove special handling for the lasagna, but leave it for the margarita to allow for temporary overdrinking.
Don't prompt when overdrinking with PvP fights remaining.

Revision: 10988
Do a proper string comparison to make the previous revision useful

Revision: 10989
autopsy tweezers are lost when you do an autopsy
Ancient Protector Spirit is undead
Add zones from 2nd and 3rd level of the Bugbear Mothership

Revision: 10990
Make sure that clover protection is restored to its original state after calling retrieveItem.

Revision: 10991
Fix using gongs to start on a path

Revision: 10992
more bugbear items and effects

Revision: 10993
Highlight the molybdenum tool when it might be the right gremlin even if Yossarian hasn't told you to get it.
If you have all of the tools, the container zone will direct you to turn them in rather than pointing you to the Rusted-Out Car.

Revision: 10994
Be more forgiving at parsing floats from preferences

Revision: 10995
refactor some text color stuff.

Revision: 10996
Update the hermit messages when you are missing a permit or worthless item.
Remove unused import.

Revision: 10997
Print a message indicating whether you won or lost a PvP fight. Update availableSwagger after each fight.

Revision: 10998
Detect pre-blackbird familiar just before map is used so that it can be restored.

Revision: 10999
Last two bugbear items. Disco Power Nap can remove N-Spatial vision

Revision: 11000
user preference "textColors" controls the color of various text elements. Pipe-delimited, key:value format. Valid keys so far:
key (default value)

Revision: 11001
When you gain swagger, update the CoinmastersFrame

Revision: 11002
P.B.L.T. is food

Revision: 11003
handful of juicy garbage is usable
pretty bouquet has stat requirement of none

Revision: 11004
add GUI for tweaking text colors to OptionsFrame.

Revision: 11005
three more text color preference keys: "gift" "nontradeable" and "quest".
No GUI for these yet, I'm going to rework that panel a bit.

Revision: 11006
Parse stat loss in PvP.
If a tomb ratchet is used without knowing whether the pyramid wheel is placed, properly update the pyramid's state.

Revision: 11007
Add item.name_length proxy field that returns the number of characters in an
items "display" name - the name with all character entities decoded.

Revision: 11008
Add the ASH function int[effect] my_effects(), which returns an array of the character's current effects and their duration. Intrinsic effects have a duration of -1.

Revision: 11009
put Swimming Pool deed in defaults.txt

Revision: 11010
The Happy Medium gives +weight Initiative.

Revision: 11011
Fix a typo. In PVP fights, get the count of minis won & lost. Determine the
winner by comparing the name of the winner to your name, ignoring case

Revision: 11012
Improve pattern for detecting PVP winner

Revision: 11013
Track bugbear biodata. Remove some unused constants/imports/functions.

Revision: 11014
build.xml source -> Java 1.5

Revision: 11015
Fix detecting bugbear biodata values when using the key-o-tron. Do not reset them all to 0 when the expected string is not found, in case KoL changes the page format later.

Revision: 11016
Changed MP cost of Flavour effects from 10 MP to 1 MP. Added Spirit of Nothing.

Revision: 11017
Fix swagger parsing

Revision: 11018
11006 reintroduced improper tracking of the pyramid wheel position when mafia knows the wheel has not been placed. Fix that.

Revision: 11019
Fix biodata updating when killing bugbears.

Revision: 11020
The first item manager JTable update.
For now, the only panel that uses the new stuff is the "Restores" panel.

Revision: 11021
Don't display parentheses around autosell value in ShowDescriptionTables.
Remove goofy debug line.

Revision: 11022
Remove the Flower Hunter frame

Revision: 11023
Make the CLI "attack" command work again. Make "pvp" equivalent to "steal" instead of "attack". Added "swagger" as equivalent to "flowers".

Revision: 11024
Fix "attack" command so it actually attacks your target instead of a random player. Fix tracking of opponents that you win against.

Revision: 11025
Remove separate logging of pvp fight results. Remove some unused imports.

Revision: 11026
When pouring wine at the wine cellar, remove the bottle from inventory after seeing it get poured rather than when the request is sent

Revision: 11027
Flower pie and schnapps give 0 turns. Conjoined zmombie is undead.

Revision: 11028
Update internal state for bounty hunter items/settings after seeing the response rather than when the request is sent

Revision: 11029
add target=1.5 flag to javac

Revision: 11030
Numbers that start with '.' can be floats.

Revision: 11031
add (slightly modified version of) swingx-1.0 library.

Revision: 11032
ShowDescriptionTable uses JXTable interface.
Delete unneeded sorter class.

Revision: 11033
Add type safety to some lists

Revision: 11034
InventoryPanel extends ItemTableManagePanel now.
This affects a number of item manager panels.

Revision: 11035
add @Override annotation to all overridden methods.

Revision: 11036
Refactor some bits of ShowDescriptionTable. Robustify comparitor selection for autosell column. Apply kolmafia boilerplate to TableCellFactory.

Revision: 11037
(re-)add colors to item manager tables

Revision: 11038
Block workarounds (provided by Catch-22) to access chat/mall

Revision: 11039
When parsing response from using a BURT, look at the original URL which was
submitting, not the redirection to inventory.php
Remove gourd items from inventory after the gourd potion has been received,
not when the URL is submitted

Revision: 11040
improve visibility of highlighted colorized text.

Revision: 11041
remove @Override annotations for methods that were added in Java 6. Thanks

Revision: 11042
The ASH profiler can now get timestamps in nanoseconds rather than
milliseconds, thanks to Java 1.5 (although you may not get any better than
microsecond accuracy, depending on your platform).
Nowhere in KoLmafia are floating-point values in scientific notation allowed
- not in ASH numeric literals, not in modifier expressions, and not via
to_float(). It therefore seems inappropriate that ASH would ever produce
scientific notation when stringifying a float. Of the two possible solutions
to allowing all floats to survive a round trip to strings, I chose the vastly
easier one of disallowing scientific notation on the output side.
Unfortunately, Java (even 1.5) has no float formatting methods that can be
told not to ever use scientific notation, yet support the desirable feature
of "output only as many decimal places as needed to reproduce the value".
They all require an explicit precision - which has to be at least 45 digits
to distinguish the float values closest to zero. So, for now, stringified
floats are going to be a bit on the ugly side, although not in any way
inaccurate (there are known solutions to this problem, but they're either
slow or complicated). Note that this approach is workable only as long as
we're using Java single-precision floats; a double in non-scientific notation
can require over 300 digits to accurately represent.

Revision: 11043
Refactor more things so that the Restores panel can be distinguished from the Usables panel.
Add more (optional) columns to various item manager panels.

Revision: 11044
When parsing stat loss in PvP, handle names with spaces and names where capitalization has been changed.

Revision: 11045
add "level req" column to creation tables

Revision: 11046
Defer updating table filtering until after the data model has itself been filtered. Hopefully this reduces that operation's time complexity by quite a bit.

Revision: 11047
spaces -> tabs

Revision: 11048
make sure that the table doesn't defer the very last update.

Revision: 11049
Don't fire model updates when filtering a size=0 model. This was causing wonkiness when initializing JXTables.

Revision: 11050
Make sure comparator regexes are only compiled once.

Revision: 11051
display null (i.e. blank) instead of 0 power

Revision: 11052
cache Integer usage in tables

Revision: 11053
fix calculation for adv/fill

Revision: 11054
fix regression NPE

Revision: 11055
Added a 2-parameter version of to_string(), where the first parameter can
currently be an int or float (other types are possible, but didn't seem
useful), and the second is a format string as defined by the Java
String.format() method (which in turn is based on C printf() format strings).
For example, "%.2f" will output a float with exactly two digits after the
(localized) decimal point.

Revision: 11056
downcase monster names for black ops bugbear and battlesuit bugbear type

Revision: 11057
Change the default goal for the hidden city to "4 any stone sphere".

Revision: 11058
Yet Another JXTable Refactoring.
Instead of overriding TableModel.valueOf(), implement a renderer to query the correct data from the model. This alone massively reduces overhead. Also decouple table comparator from operating on rendered values. No more regex needed in the comparator, speeding that up significantly.

Revision: 11059
ASH ints are now Java longs.
ASH floats are now Java doubles.
ASH booleans are now Java BigBoo... no wait, they were fine as they are.
There is no increase in runtime memory requirements; since no Value needs
both int and float content, they can be both stored in the same field.
Known limitations at this point:
* There still isn't a way to get substat or meat amounts beyond 2 billion,
but at least that's now a possibility.
* Ints outside the 32-bit range, and floats outside the single-precision
range, probably cannot be stored in a map file at the moment, nor survive
round-trip conversion to strings.
* Ints outside the 32-bit range, when passed to most library functions, will
simply have the top 32 bits ignored, rather than doing any range checking on
the full 64-bit value (so 2**32+7 is exactly the same as 7 in most cases).

Revision: 11060
optimize table renderer a bit

Revision: 11061
remove 1px border around table cells

Revision: 11062
If a mood fails to cast a skill, before declaring world peace, print an extra
message explaining why.

Revision: 11063
If UseSkillRequest is given a mood you do not know, set an error message. This
will cause a mood to abort with a meaningful error.

Revision: 11064
Track daily use of Wizard of Ego book with _guildManualRead and produce stand meat collected with _hippyMeatCollected

Revision: 11065
Add support for the Moping Artistic Goth Kid and related items. Hatrack/scarecrow/crown modifiers are still needed.

Revision: 11066
Change the crayon shavings matching to not fail with a SBIP equipped. Account for the case where one is used for deleveling.

Revision: 11067
Add slap and slap again. The recipe is still needed, and probably the plural.

Revision: 11068
Don't create a dummy JList when instantiating text filter fields that aren't attached to a JList.

Revision: 11069
add "fill" and "adv/fill" columns to several item manager tables

Revision: 11070
There is more than 1 monster that can result from using the Artistic Goth Kid. Catch all of them, hopefully.

Revision: 11071
Fix recognition of orchard meat collecting. Add the following daily items:

Revision: 11072
Show how many drops you have received from the Cotton Candy Carnie while you are using it.

Revision: 11073
Move tracking of white rice drops. Blank-out use resets when you ascend.

Revision: 11074
ASH get_ingredients returns an array of items. For coinmaster concoctions which
require non-item tokens, return an empty array.
When calculating how many coinmaster concoctions can be "created" via purchase,
don't assume that purchases using non-item tokens are infinitely available.

Revision: 11075
Persist item manager table header states across sessions.
State includes column order and visibility, does not include sorting status.
Note that states are only saved when executing logout, so they will not be saved on an unclean exit.

Revision: 11076
ASH stores numbers as longs or doubles. Make it parse numeric input into those
data types, rather than into ints or floats with subsequent coercion.

Revision: 11077
include missing fields on storage panel

Revision: 11078
include spleenhit in item manager "fill"

Revision: 11079
various methods in LockableListModel call AbstractListModel.fireContentsChanged( this, startIndex, endIndex). Often, startIndex will be 0 and endIndex will be elementList.size() - 1. This is fine, but is a meaningless operation at best when size() is 0. At worst, it triggers bugs in components that do not gracefully handle endIndex being -1.
JXTables are one such component that do not gracefully handle nonsense events being fired, so don't fire them in the first place.

Revision: 11080
setSelectedItem( Object) in LockableListModel depends on firing a listener event at -1,-1. To me, this is bad code - it is completely opaque as to its function, and not all interfaces are guaranteed to interpret that event in the same way. Firing an event at visibleElements.indexOf( o ) seems much more reasonable, and preliminary testing seems to show that it's okay. However this method is widely used in mafia's codebase, so unintended consequences and all that.
So for now, just allow events to be fired at (startIndex, endIndex) -1,-1, but disallow them at 0,-1.

Revision: 11081
Omit uparrow link for effects generated by an "astral mushroom", not any
old "mushroom".

Revision: 11082
Do not switch equips when auto-recovery is running

Revision: 11083
don't dispose of action listeners attached to buttons such as "create item" when disposing of item manager frame. While this does mean that the JButton is not eligible for GC and must remain in memory, this was happening anyway for some reason. Which, when the frame is reopened, gives rise to the "my create button stopped working" bug since the button now has no listener attached.
I just commented out the code for now, will reinstate it once I figure out why the panel isn't being disposed of. It's a small, non-repeating memory leak, but still a memory leak.

Revision: 11084
Since we need JDK5 to compile, remove Jikes since it doesn't support JDK5

Revision: 11085
Add "jmap" command to generate a heap dump to analyze heap dumps.
Include warning about how heap dumps may contain sensitive information, in case people didn't know that and were posting them as attachments on or something.

Revision: 11086
Fix copyright symbol and date in version data panel

Revision: 11087
Fix display issues with licenses containing angle brackets

Revision: 11088
Add LGPL license for SwingX library added for JXTable

Revision: 11089
Add an option to pick any crop (pumpkin or peppermint). Clean up some code.

Revision: 11090
properly dispose of CardLayoutSelectorPanel reference when closing item manager frame.
Undo 11083 as that kludge is no longer needed.

Revision: 11091
More fixes for chat/mall workarounds in case people were URL-escaping the URL string multiple times to bypass it

Revision: 11092
Concoction can be null. No NPE needed.

Revision: 11093
When automating in the Tavern Cellar, choose the faucet, if we know it,
otherwise the next unexplored square.

Revision: 11094
save item manager header states whenever the frame is disposed, rather than just on logout.

Revision: 11095
crayon shavings are combat items

Revision: 11096
Separate path decoding and field decoding to allow field values to contain the % character

Revision: 11097
In headless mode, process commands asynchronously from their input.
Entering "--" on a line by itself aborts all retrieved lines up until that point and works like hitting the escape key in GUI mode.
You can put "--" into a script and get to effectively achieve a do-nothing but abort script (not terribly useful), or you can type it into the CLI in headless mode to get KoLmafia to stop execution. The latter is the intent of this.

Revision: 11098
enter an ABORT_STATE if the "cast ode" button on UseItemEnqueuePanel does not result in turns of Ode.

Revision: 11099
Add the weapon damage and damage reduction modifiers for Master of the Surprising Fist.

Revision: 11100
When putting on an outfit, retrive the pieces for custom outfits as well as for
normal outfits

Revision: 11101

Revision: 11102
add pvp fights to default maximizer dropdown list

Revision: 11103
Fix the initial value for vitachoconutriment capsule uses.

Revision: 11104
Fix adventuring in the Battlefield when you are already wearing the outfit

Revision: 11105
Add "fites" as a synonym for "PvP Fights, -tie" in the Maximizer.

Revision: 11106
Add "fites" as a synonym for "PvP Fights, -tie" in the Maximizer. For real.

Revision: 11107
When restoring a checkpoint outfit that had empty slots, do not keep items that have been equipped in those slots.
This makes sure, for example, that you don't accidentally adventure with a weapon or an offhand, causing you to loose the kung fu intrinsics. This could happen, for example, after using the "Visit Mourn" link provided in the Relay Browser.

Revision: 11108
items tab in DatabaseFrame uses JXTable interface

Revision: 11109
implement JXTable on the rest of the database tabs. re-add game description listener to item tab

Revision: 11110
Add ASH function: pvp_attacks_left(). This is guaranteed accurate only if you
have recently looked at the Fight! page. Tracking of PVP fights gained via
consumption or familiar action and initialization at login will come later -
after api.php is updated to include the figure.
Add beforePVPScript setting which contains a script to be executed before a PVP
attack. At the moment, this is only called from the Relay Browser - and only if
relayRunsBeforePVPScript is true

Revision: 11111
Add checkbox for relayRunsBeforePVPScript to preferences/relay panel

Revision: 11112
Change ASH have_outfit() to work with custom outfits, as well as normal outfits
Add ASH is_wearing_outfit() to return TRUE if you are currently wearing the
specified custom or normal outfit.
Call beforePVPScript, if present, during automated PVP via the "flowers" command

Revision: 11113
Show how many parts you need for your next organ grinder pie in the familiar decorations and in the Daily Deeds panel.

Revision: 11114
Pick PVP stance based on adjusted stats, not base stats.

Revision: 11115
add Modifiers tooltips to equipment table

Revision: 11116
display modifiers tooltip on equipment in all item manager tables

Revision: 11117
Add skills from swagger books

Revision: 11118
Track when you gain PvP fights from consuming items or from the Artistic Goth Kid.

Revision: 11119
overloaded signature for user_confirm: boolean user_confirm( String message, int timeOutMillis, boolean defaultValue)
message - the message displayed in the dialog
timeOutMillis - the time (in ms) for the dialog to be displayed before it is closed and returns defaultValue
defaultValue - the default value if the user does not choose yes/no before timeOut milliseconds elapse

Revision: 11120
fix typos, remove unused import, remove incorrect Override annotation
replace a stringbuffer with a stringbuilder

Revision: 11121
If you use an item with a copied monster, do not create or adjust counters based on seeing the monster.

Revision: 11122
Don't change counters when a monster shows up because they previously got hit with a Badly Romantic Arrow

Revision: 11123
Fix null pointer exceptions when running mood and breakfast commands when logged out.

Revision: 11124
Allow record/aggregate return values from functions to be operated on directly rather than requiring that they be stored in a variable first.

Revision: 11125
Soup up "steal" command:
steal [attacks] (flowers|fame|loot) [(muscle|mysticality|moxie|ballyhoo)]
You can optionally specify the number of attacks (default is all remaining) to
get flowers, fame, or loot, using either the specified stance or your best stat,
if no stance is specified.
When calculating the "best" stat, do it after your beforePVPScript has executed.

Revision: 11126
Add preference in case people want to use an iPad or other device to connect to a computer running KoLmafia.

Revision: 11127
The "attack" command now executes the beforePVPScript before each attack and
chooses the best stance based on adjusted stats after executing the script.

Revision: 11128
Fix relay browser binding to (or some other arbitrary synonym for localhost) instead of

Revision: 11129
Remove placeholder image for ascensions with no familiar.

Revision: 11130
Always use local images when sending warning pages to the user.
Fix 100% warning message when using no familiar.

Revision: 11131
If you don't specify how many PvP fights to use (when using pvp or swagger commands), use all of them

Revision: 11132
Attempt to do a better job logging PVP attacks in the session log: log
exactly what you tried to do and log who you attacked and the result when
the attack completes

Revision: 11133
Update "status" command to include full and spleen in addition to inebriety,
Also make it so that the "status" command includes fullness/drunkenness/spleenness limits.

Revision: 11134
reset pyramid properties on ascension.

Revision: 11135
Refactor code for ignoring special monsters encountered through copying.
A noncombat-only zone can have combats if you are using an Artistic Goth Kid

Revision: 11136
Add Fightin' Fire and FDKOL commendation

Revision: 11137
Allow reading of system properties by putting "System." in front of the name. For example, the user's current operating system could be theoretically read using get_property("").

Revision: 11138
set pyramid bomb status every time we see the lower chamber.

Revision: 11139
On Mac OS X, if mrj.version is not specified, try falling back to "open".

Revision: 11140
Boxes of Pokemann band-aids are apparently multiusable
Improve parsing of Trivia Questions and Answers to accomodate questions with
HTML underline markup

Revision: 11141
Add most FDKOL Requisition Tent content

Revision: 11142
Support FDKOL Requistion Tent as an NPC store for the two items you can buy for
Meat. The other items need to be a Coinmaster and hooks are in place for that.

Revision: 11143
Travoltan trousers do not give a discount at the FDKOL Requisition tent

Revision: 11144
Add Frigidalmatian effect, used Hjodor's Guide, slap and slap again plural, and fettucini epines inconnu

Revision: 11145
Move SortTable javascript to lib folder and add license file to license display.

Revision: 11146
Add FDKOL Coinmaster

Revision: 11147
Fix FDKOL coinmaster data

Revision: 11148
Marble sodas are multi-usable

Revision: 11149
Dispatch shop.php responses to FDKOLRequest, as appropriate, regardless of
whether it was a purchase.
FDKOLRequest will parse current balance even if no transfer and will filter
out Meat-priced transactions
Give an adventure range to the FDKOL hotcakes

Revision: 11150
When autofilling a new mood, if our AT Song limit is not less than the number
of AT songs we know, add correct commands to cast known skills to the mood

Revision: 11151
replace static final constants in QuestDatabase with an enum.

Revision: 11152

Revision: 11153
Add HP and MP restore values for some items

Revision: 11154
Fix typo

Revision: 11155
Super-Intense Mega-Grassfire

Revision: 11156
fire snake items. plurals.

Revision: 11157
Start eliminating duplicate string constants. Compare String to String when looking at familiar.

Revision: 11158
Replace most of the constants in EffectPool with an enum.

Revision: 11159
wax equipment is not tradeable

Revision: 11160
"using" an FDKOL Commendation redirects to shop.php and is thus a "visit" to the

Revision: 11161
drop of water-37 is multiusable. No NPE when buying item for Meat in the
FDKOL Requisition Tent via the Relay Browser

Revision: 11162
If a developer wants to use JRebel when working on KoLmafia, make it easier for them to do so.

Revision: 11163
Removed unused fields. Removed conditional that always evaluated to True.

Revision: 11164
Whoops. Did not mean to check in the NetBeans stuff.

Revision: 11165
remove unnecessary double-lookup in EffectPool.

Revision: 11166
Show all script hooks on the login/logout (now "Automation") card of OptionsFrame. Thanks
Remove some unneeded code.

Revision: 11167
Delay updates to filter text fields for 200ms in case someone is typing very quickly

Revision: 11168
Remove "Temporary Blindness (Intrinsic)" since it no longer exists.

Revision: 11169
no more race condition in combobox autocompletion. Thanks catch-22.
Tighten up filter delay to 100ms to make filtering feel a bit more responsive.

Revision: 11170
apply Aankhen's patch to turn the integer STATE constants in KoLConstants into an enum.

Revision: 11171
Code cleanup for delaying updates

Revision: 11172
When you log in, get both appserver and PHPSESSID cookies

Revision: 11173
Future proof: accept all cookies at login, rather than just the two current ones
Add new fire event items

Revision: 11174
Remove unused code for ignoring the load balancer

Revision: 11175
disable connect via IP for now.

Revision: 11176
Add Fierce Flying Flames adventure zone and fiery wing item & concoction

Revision: 11177
FDKOLRequest and NPCPurchaseRequest can mutually recurse ad infinitum if there
is a new item in the shop that we cannot identify as either a Coinmaster item
or as a Meat item. Don't do that.

Revision: 11178
When clicking on a checkbox in the item manager, handle the update synchronously.

Revision: 11179
Plural and modifiers for wings of fire

Revision: 11180
Restore old behavior of not clearing current adventure selection when auto-filling zone name on AdventureSelectPanel.
Technically this was caused by recent changes to the way AutoFilterTextField filters, but as far as I can tell it always -should- have cleared the selection. Fortuitous buggy behavior, I suppose.

Revision: 11181
re-enable connect via IP

Revision: 11182
Fix a few data errors revealed by "checkitems". Update mall prices.

Revision: 11183
Bump version to 15.3