Revision 6 handles the grass garden a little better.
Primarily in how we log the state of the garden.
I installed a grass garden and figured out (again) how this script supports it.
I tend to have the "latest" garden, so I have been through mushrooms and now rocks, and had forgotten how grass works.
A grass garden can have from 1-8 days of growth.
Days 1-7 add one patch of grass each day.
On day 8+, instead of 8 patches, you have one patch of very tall grass.
You can fertilize your garden using Poké-Gro fertilizer to advance progress by 1 day each.
In the browser, you can selectively pick individual patches; each time you call "campground.php?action=garden" picks one patch and reduces progress by one day.
In the gCLI, "garden pick" will pick all of your patches by repeatedly calling that URL.
If you are in the Pocket Familiars path, each day 1-7 patch gives you a Pokéfam #1 - #51.
If you are in Pocket Familiars, very tall grass gives you a Pokéfam #46-50.
If you are NOT in a Pocket Familiars path (the expected state for using this script.

), each day 1-7 patch gives you a potion/combat item or a familiar item.
If you are NOT in a Pocket Familiars path, very tall grass gives you a Pokéfam #46-50.
In either case, you very rarely get a Mu (#51).
This script lets you specify that you want to harvest tall grass (days 1-7) OR very tall grass (day 8+).
It's all or nothing; if you want "tall grass", it will pick all that you have available (1-7 patches).
Property VGH.FertilizeGrassPatch is a boolean that says how to use (on-hand) fertilizer.
If false, don't think about fertilizer.
If true and crop is "very tall grass", if available fertilizer will advance growth up to 8 days, use just enough fertilizer to do that, and then pick it. If you don't have enough to advance to day 8, use no fertilizer and let it grow. (Note that you will collect up to 3 fertilizer per day by simply adventuring with a grass garden in your campground.
If true and crop is "tall grass", after harvesting what you currently have, use up the rest of your available fertilizer, up to 7 at a time, and harvest individual patches.
I guess "very tall grass" if you want to get one of the 5 "special" familiars, and "tall grass" if you want random trinkets and a chance at a Mu.
Which is to say, I still think this is reasonable.
I found a KoLmafia bug in "garden pick" with a grass garden: if you have N patches of tall grass, it will try to pick 2N patches; it doubles the number of requests it makes to KoL. The excess ones do no harm - other than taking time and making you go "huh?"
This was introduces when we added rock garden support. I fixed it in r27412.
I did not add a "since" to this script - for now - since it still works, even with the KoLmafia bug.
You still should update KoLmafia, but this script is not (yet) forcing you do do it NOW.