New Content - Implemented Valhalla checklist shows dropdown for correspondence, when you only have one


I looked at the code, and it seems to detect multiple correspondences by looking for the Eudora tab in options.
I've never had that before, but (I'm guessing) since the Xi Receiver Unit was implemented, I now have an Eudora tab for my single correspondence, Pen Pal. The end result is that I have a reminder dropdown with nothing to select.
Darzil, that makes sense, but I think PeKaJe is right.

When Xi first came out there was a bug where people who used it and had one previous correspondent couldn't switch back to that correspondent because they did not have a Eudora tab. I don't know what caused that on the back end when they had no such issue with the GameFAQ. Anyway they fixed the bug and people got access to the Eudora tab. Probably when they fixed it, they made this change so that they wouldn't have to search through the database for everyone who had two correspondents.
Had a bit of time to look at it today, and the attached patch makes the selection go away for me (and presumably others with only one correspondence). Accounts with no correspondence still don't get an Eudora tab, so the original check is still useful. Could someone with more correspondences check out if it still works for them?


Actually, the way it's implemented won't work for people with two correspondences, I think. The have<something> booleans aren't set to true for the currently selected correspondence in the Eudora tab, so it needs to check on < 1 instead of < 2. I did a debug build that showed the sum to be 0, where I have the Pen Pal kit.
I guess we can do the simpler option of !havePenpal && !haveGamemag && !haveXi then.

Unfortunately I only have access to accounts with 0 or 3 !