Ok, so I'm just fiddling around a little might be fun to pulverize any antique equipment I've found and fill up on as many twinkly wads as I can after playing around in the Haunted Gallery.
The code fragment in question:
Obviously that's just a little piece of my script, but my questions is ... is there an easier/better/less intensive way to use the twinkly wads?
(oh, yes, I haven't tested this yet, as I'm a low level char in an HCO ascension)
The code fragment in question:
int spleen_full = 0;
#smash up the antique gear and use the twinkly wads
if (item_amount($item[antique shield]) > 0)
cli_execute("pulverize * antique shield");
if (item_amount($item[antique spear]) > 0)
cli_execute("pulverize * antique spear");
if (item_amount($item[antique greaves]) > 0)
cli_execute("pulverize * antique greaves");
while(item_amount($item[twinkly wad]) > 0 && spleen_full != 1)
if(use($item[twinkly wad])) {}
else { spleen_full = 1; }
(oh, yes, I haven't tested this yet, as I'm a low level char in an HCO ascension)