If(item_amount($item[Knob sausage chow mein]) < 1)
if(!confirm("buy 1 knob sausage chow mein?"))
if(!confirm("eat 1 bat wing chow mein?"))
if(!confirm("eat 1 rat appendix chow mein?"))
cli_execute("abort out of choices");
If(item_amount($item[rat appendix chow mein]) < 1)
if(!confirm("buy 1 rat appendix chow mein?"))
cli_execute("abort unable to eat");
buy(1, $item[rat appendix chow mein]);
return eat(1, $item[rat appendix chow mein]);
If(item_amount($item[bat wing chow mein]) < 1)
if(!confirm("buy 1 bat wing chow mein?"))
cli_execute("abort unable to eat");
buy(1, $item[bat wing chow mein]);
return eat(1, $item[bat wing chow mein]);
buy(1, $item[Knob sausage chow mein]);
return eat(1, $item[Knob sausage chow mein]);
int a = select("choose a chow mein", "knob sausage, bat wing, rat appendix");
item choicefood;
{choicefood = $item[knob sausage chow mein]}
{choicefood = $item[bat wing chow mein]}
{choicefood = $item[rat appendix chow mein]}
if(item_amount(choicefood) < 1)
if(confirm("buy a " + choicefood + "?"))
buy(1, choicefood)
cli_execute("abort cannot eat a " + choicefood);
eat(1, choicefood);
boolean ate_something = false;
void try_eat( item food )
if ( ate_something )
if ( !user_confirm( "eat 1 " + food + "?" ) )
if ( food.item_amount() == 0 )
if ( !user_confirm( "buy 1 " + food + "?" ) )
abort( "cannot eat a " + food + "." );
eat( 1, food );
ate_something = true;
void main()
try_eat( $item[knob sausage chow mein] );
try_eat( $item[bat wing chow mein] );
try_eat( $item[rat appendix chow mein] );
if ( !ate_something )
abort( "Could not eat anything." );
Unless I'm missing something, the primary motivation for not including user prompting for anything other than booleans is just as problematic now as it was two years ago.
I think user_confirm was only added because I could sympathize with the idea of using it to abort a script. If it's frustrating to feel limited by it, I'd feel more comfortable removing it entirely than I would by adding more things that'd lead to "Ok, so KoLmafia suddenly locked up..." bug reports.
Please input value for int amount
Please input value for float factor
Please input value for int iterations
Please input value for int chain_count
Betting 1 meat from inventory
You must bet at least 1,000 meat.
Bet 1/1/1: for 1 Meat -> FAILED
Chain 1 failed on iteration #1 placing bet for 1
Done running 1 chains of 1 bets.
Net winnings = 0. Net change to closet = 0
How much meat would you like to bet?
You must bet at least 1,000 meat.
How much meat would you like to bet?
public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) {
if getOwnedWindows.length >= 1 {
main(string what_to_devour|"Which food item would you like to devour?") {
Giving scripts free reign to prompt while you're alt-tabbed is probably asking for trouble.
Any solutions, or will we keep getting the same old, "BUT THIS IS HOW I'D USE IT" arguments that I kept getting two years ago?
I like user-confirms and vote in favor of one that can accept a string.
But again, you don't have to use them in your scripts if you oppose them.
I just don't like having to edit a .txt file every time I run a script. For that reason I have resisted using Z's vars for my item handling scripts.