Bug use_familiar returns true when trying to equip a B familiar in Beecore

The familiarCommand.java needs a beecore check.

Currently it behaves like so:

[COLOR=olive]> my_path[/COLOR]

Returned: Bees Hate You

[COLOR=olive]> my_familiar[/COLOR]

Returned: Frozen Gravy Fairy

[COLOR=olive]> ash use_familiar($familiar[Barrrnacle])[/COLOR]

Putting Grot the     Frozen Gravy Fairy back into terrarium...
Taking Tronald the Barrrnacle     out of terrarium...
Returned: true

[COLOR=olive]> familiar bar[/COLOR]

Putting Grot the Frozen Gravy Fairy back into     terrarium...
Taking Tronald the Barrrnacle out of terrarium...
Requests     complete.

[COLOR=olive]> my_familiar[/COLOR]

Returned:     Frozen Gravy Fairy

The included patch adds a canEquip() check.


  • familiarCommandBeecore.patch
    775 bytes · Views: 40