Bug - Not A Bug "use * pack of alice's army cards" does nothing


> use * pack of alice's army card
Using Pack of Alice's Army Cards (1 of 33)...
Using Pack of Alice's Army Cards (2 of 33)...
Using Pack of Alice's Army Cards (33 of 33)...
Finished using 33 Pack of Alice's Army Cards.

> /count pack of alice's army

You have 33 Packs of Alice's Army Cards.
Had the same thing hapen to me. Realized afterwards that I apparently still was in a combat adv where a script had aborted for some reason.
KoLMafia seem to sometimes not notice that I am in a combat adventure and tries to use stuff, which ofc will not actually happen, but it will still tinker with the inventory lists. Seems to refresh once the Inventory page have been loaded in the Webbrowser though.
> inv alice

Pack of Alice's Army Cards (4)

> use * pack of alice's army card

Using Pack of Alice's Army Cards (1 of 4)...
You acquire an item: Alice's Army Shieldmaiden
You acquire an item: Alice's Army Alchemist
You acquire an item: Alice's Army Nurse
You acquire an item: Alice's Army Guard
You acquire an item: Alice's Army Martyr
Using Pack of Alice's Army Cards (2 of 4)...
You acquire an item: Alice's Army Shieldmaiden
You acquire an item: Alice's Army Swordsman
You acquire an item: Alice's Army Mad Bomber
You acquire an item: Alice's Army Alchemist
You acquire an item: Alice's Army Lanceman
Using Pack of Alice's Army Cards (3 of 4)...
You acquire an item: Alice's Army Guard
You acquire an item: Alice's Army Ninja
You acquire an item: Alice's Army Mad Bomber
You acquire an item: Alice's Army Spearsman
You acquire an item: Alice's Army Bowman
Using Pack of Alice's Army Cards (4 of 4)...
You acquire an item: Alice's Army Wallman
You acquire an item: Alice's Army Halberder
You acquire an item: Alice's Army Ninja
You acquire an item: Alice's Army Shieldmaiden
You acquire an item: Alice's Army Horseman
Finished using 4 Pack of Alice's Army Cards.

> /count pack of alice's army card

Sorry, I can't figure out what "pack of alice's army card" means. Perhaps you have 0.
Yeah, I'm going to guess that Raijinili was still in a combat or a choice adventure in the relay browser (or just from normal autoadventuring). If you, for whatever reason, end up in that state Mafia will gladly claim to use items if you ask it to (via the item manager or a chat command) while KoL won't actually let you do it so nothing will get used.
Possibly in a challenge (not actively adventuring at the time). Seems to fit well enough that I won't bring it up unless it happens again under more certain circumstances.

Can has error message?