Bug - Not A Bug Unusual characters in faxbot monster names cause problems

Running v17.5 r17543 & still seeing this when I try to open the "Request a fax" dialog

Configuring faxable monsters.
Could not load easyfax configuration from "https://sourceforge.net/p/easyfax/code/HEAD/tree/Easyfax.xml?format=raw"
The entity "trade" was referenced, but not declared.
This is (hopefully) unrelated, but Easyfax was down when I got home from work. I had lots internet connectivity issues today, which was likely the cause.
Thanks very much, Crowther, Veracity, xkiv, and anyone else I'm missing, for the fix/improvement!

Easyfax is a daily staple for me, and I've come to rely on it just as much as many internal Mafia features.
Note that for future compatibility, you should also replace any < with < and > with > ; I don't think you will need to escape " or ' - that's only necessary within element attributes, not inside text nodes.
Yes. There are actually monsters with < and > in them.

C<i>bzzt</i>er the Grisly Bear
<s>Killer</s> Festive Arc-Welding Elfbot
<s>Killer</s> Festive Decal-Applying Elfbot
<s>Killer</s> Festive Laser-Calibrating Elfbot
<s>Killer</s> Festive Weapons-Assembly Elfbot

Those last 4 were overwritten with Elfborgs the following Crimbo, we believe.

Interestingly, I don't think the Grisly Bear has character entities in its name, when KoL show him to us on a Fight page. Our monsters.txt agrees with Manuel, and we have raw < and > characters.

If you entity encode monsters before you put them into the XML file, you'll be fine, since he will have < and > in place of < and >, and you will then turn the & into & and it should be handled like any other entity.
All this encoding and unencoding of entities makes my head spin a little. Anyway, doesn't look like everything's quite sorted yet, as I just got this with r17547:

Configuring faxable monsters.
Could not load easyfax configuration from "https://sourceforge.net/p/easyfax/code/HEAD/tree/Easyfax.xml?format=raw"
The entity "ccedil" was referenced, but not declared.

Guessing that's for French Francis.
Oops. I submitted debugging code which didn't actually download a new configuration when it configures a faxbot, instead, relying on whatever one you had saved.

Revision 17550.