Bug - Not A Bug Untradeable items marked as tradeable?


At least, I guess that's why Doc's Special Reserve Wine isn't showing up at all in the mall? (not even as a blank space) Same thing for bowl of prescription candy

(Auto keeps throwing errors when it's searching the mall and encounters those two items)
They're tradeable. Likely have never been listed before in the mall by players.
Example: desc_item.php?whichitem=510170168

Even if there aren't any in the mall, shouldn't they show up in the search results though? Like, searching for "Doc's S" only shows Doc's Smartifying Wine, but if Doc's Special Reserve Wine *could* show up wouldn't it say "of 2 [results]"?
They must have been listed in the past for them to show up in results. Sold out items will show up, while items that exist but have never been listed do not.