Unrecognizable item in Mafia 12.8 Session Results?


New member
Today I was using mafia to farm the castle with the Scratch N' Sniff sword (stopping to replace the UPC stickers when they fell off), a 45 Lb. Lep (with a Mayflower Bouquet equipped), Zombo's skullcap, bounty hunting pants, and 3 ascots, and when I took a good look at the Adventures pane, under Session results, one of the first items said "(unknown item -1)(3)".
What could this item be? O.o
Sorry, first post and was not sure how the posting system worked (as Yahoo! Answers is different than this). Can someone move this to the appropriate place? Thanks. :)
Looking through your session logs searching for the work "unknown" might give you a better idea of when and where it happened. The fact that we are 42 changes into version 12.9 and you are using 12.8 makes it pretty hard to guess.

If I had to venture a complete guess I had to do with new IOTM summoning, putty use or consumption of some underwater items.
>Didn't get the Libram of Love Songs
>Didn't get the putty
>Didn't adventure underwater when this happened.

Oop. I know what happened.
I had temporary blindness from the night before. Didn't want to waste a supercock drink; I only needed 6 Advs to get to max via rollover adventures.

CLI text: you acquire... something (unknown item -1)