New Content - Implemented Unknown items -- 2018 ascension smashes, tiny plastic spoiler


Staff member
Unknown item found: fiberglass fibers (8133, 344652693)
8133 fiberglass fibers 344652693 fiberbits.gif spleen, usable 0
fiberglass fibers 3 12 awesome 0 0 0 0 Unspaded
# Item fiberglass fibers
Unknown item found: gabardine smithereens (8126, 656094877)
8126 gabardine smithereens 656094877 gabbits.gif spleen, usable 0
gabardine smithereens 2 12 good 0 0 0 0 Unspaded
# Item gabardine smithereens
Unknown item found: tiny plastic spoiler (8796, 430281304)
8796 tiny plastic spoiler 430281304 tpspoiler.gif accessory t 0
tiny plastic spoiler 0 none
# Item tiny plastic spoiler
Getting errors trying to commit. I guess down to Sourceforge datacenter move.

Where does that last one come from ?
I don't precisely know, but a bunch of people have it in their display case. I'd guess there was a window of time after the existing spoilers got converted into Nightmares while the Advent Calendar still dispensed the old version.