OK, yes, I obviously misunderstood the description. Here is a listing of why those instructions might be not as clear as they could be. At the end I've included some suggestions on how to make those instructions perhaps a bit more explicit in what Universal_recovery does and doesn't do.
If you had read the first post -- it contains a lot of information on how this script works in hopes that people won't get so angry
I did read the first post. I read:
After installation, configuration only requires you to set the healing targets in mafia's HP/MP usage tab just as when you set up mafia's restoration settings.
which implies that preferences I set will be obeyed, not completely ignored.
This script will allow you to customize its healing in hardcore or ronin by making use of the following options in KolMafia's HP/MP usage.
followed by a diagram that includes the "don't restore MP", and other options that universal_recovery ignored completely.
Hardcore Mode: For hardcore before freeing the king or in normal core before breaking Ronin. This mode will treat inventory as if it was precious, always attempting to heal with the minimal items, never wasting any inventory since it is hard to replace.
I found the locusts hard to replace, myself. Especially since I'd specifically said not to restore MP (because I wanted manual control over items that did that)
The script will obey mafia's preferences,
No, it will not. You probably meant to say "will obey mafia's preferences about where to purchase things".
and finally:
Any option not highlighted in the illustration is ignored by this script.
which is the one line that basically annuls all the others. I suggest you add "this means you can't specifically include or exclude anything that is not on this list, and universal_recovery will automatically decide whether or not to use it", or something MUCH more explicit. Please.
Unless my reading comprehension has deserted me, most of the above (except the last, single, line) says lots about Universal_recovery.ash following user preferences, and only one passing comment about it completely ignoring user preferences and using stuff that has been specifically excluded from said preferences. If that is indeed how Universal_recovery is supposed to work, might I suggest you be a bit more explicit about this behaviour? As in, put this line (or something similar)
items not listed in the highlighted section cannot be excluded from use, and will be used if universal_recovery deems it necessary. Universal_recovery will also ignore "no HP restore" or "no MP restore" if it needs to use an item that does both.
above the image. In bold. In a larger font. Blinking. (ok, not that last one. Please not that last one.)
Yes, now that I've been informed that it was universal_recovery responsible for using stuff I wanted to keep until later I'll have to either be more careful about putting stuff into my closet to hide it, or disable universal_recovery when I want the system to do exactly what I told it to do.
Don't get me wrong, I've probably found universal_recovery quite useful many times, but I'd suggest you be MUCH more explicit in your introduction about the fact that it WILL use any and all items NOT listed in the picture you show. My reading comprehension is pretty good, and I completely missed that when reading it (and read it I did). I know I'm not the only one that's been caught out by this, and all the other people I've talked to have been blaming mafia for this behaviour, not universal_recovery.
Might I also suggest that you put something about it being universal_recovery that is deciding to use those items in the output? So that we know we forgot to temporary disable it for whatever it was we were doing at the time where it wasn't really required? So instead of:
> Restoring HP! Currently at 20 of 104 HP, 13 of 97 MP, current meat: 35338 ... Target HP = 99.
> Universal_Recovery restoring HP! HP=20/104, MP=13/97, meat=35338 ... Target HP=99.
Thank you for using Universal_Recovery.
or something like that to let people know who is doing what and where.
Finally, my apologies for my initial tone, but I was quite put out by losing those locusts and lots of other stuff, and it took a while for me to get annoyed enough to start digging. In this case I'd been saving those locusts for later.