Universal Recovery Script

I'm really curious how that could be happening. Try turning up the verbosity with...

set baleUr_Verbosity = 3
What is your character class?
Have you opened the guild store?
What is your level?
What path are you in?
Dear Bale,

I have mentioned this before, but I will do so again. I understand your reluctance to support Universal Recovery because doing so impedes progress on 1 UP, its eventual replacement, but I would ask you to consider one request. As you may have noticed SourceForge is sometimes unavailable. When it is run, Universal Recovery attempts to update. It then fails to do so and all automation involving Universal Recovery ceases. I would like Universal Recovery to continue to function even if it fails a check of SourceForge for a newer version so that I do not have to work around SourceForge's unavailability by disabling Universal Recovery or editing it. I will not presume to tell you how to address this, although I do have ideas.

Thank you for considering this request.

With respect,

Or just delete the single line forcing an SVN update, which has the added bonus of letting the script still properly only run its once-a-day items once-a-day. If you comment out all 5 lines, you'll end up making the script run the once-a-day every time it runs. That's slow and painful.
I understand your reluctance to support Universal Recovery because doing so impedes progress on 1 UP, its eventual replacement, but I would ask you to consider one request.
I appologize, but I haven't actually worked on 1UP for some time. :(

As you may have noticed SourceForge is sometimes unavailable. When it is run, Universal Recovery attempts to update. It then fails to do so and all automation involving Universal Recovery ceases. I would like Universal Recovery to continue to function even if it fails a check of SourceForge for a newer version so that I do not have to work around SourceForge's unavailability by disabling Universal Recovery or editing it. I will not presume to tell you how to address this, although I do have ideas.

Yeah, I'm going to look at that. I'll probably just remove it altogether. If people want their scripts to update, they can just figure out how to do it themselves. Now that we have SVN updating I shouldn't need to hold their hands.
Yeah, I'm going to look at that. I'll probably just remove it altogether. If people want their scripts to update, they can just figure out how to do it themselves. Now that we have SVN updating I shouldn't need to hold their hands.

Thank you.
Using r16272 I've had the same problem on two different computers this morning:

Current HP: 211, MP: 974
In mallmode, best HP restorative is: Medicinal Herb's medicinal herbs @ 100.0 meat total.
In mallmode, best MP restorative is: ancient Magi-Wipes @ 780.4363636363637 meat total.
Mall price to restore 17MP is 46 meat.
Trying to use 1 Medicinal Herb's medicinal herbs
Failed to use an item from the mall.

UR just loops endlessly trying to heal the character.

The script is up to date and I've uninstalled and reinstalled to no effect.
I'm in aftercore, buying from the mall is enabled, and I have plenty of meat.
UR verbosity is set to "Verbose".

The only thing that's changed from yesterday is that I updated KoLmafia from r16264 to r16272.

Any ideas?
FWIW I vaguely recall a problem with Medicinal Herbs many weeks ago. I think it was purchasing them but not using them as a Muscle class and the issue was attributed to a KoL or KoLmafia change in acquisition. Subsequently, in a non-Muscle run when the same character got out of ronin and had oddles of herbs in inventory, there were problems because they were deemed available because they were in inventory but my settings were such that it would try and buy rather than use from inventory and as a non-Muscle class, buying herbs failed miserably. I think the Closet was my solution at the time and it has not happened to me again so I have not tried to actually determine what was going on.
Frono: you seem to be describing exactly the behavior I'm seeing. I'm out of turns for today but I'll try closeting them tomorrow. The odd thing is that this character has been in aftercore for the last two weeks and I've never seen this behavior before.

I wonder if it only appears if the meat/HP value of restoratives, as calculated by UR, causes the herbs to hit a sweet spot in relation to the other available options.

I tried running UR at its most verbose setting but it showed, effectively, the same thing. Medicinal Herbs were the best restorative at that moment.
After closeting the herbs I haven't encountered the issue. I hadn't encountered it before yesterday either so I guess time will tell.
I, intermittently, saw that when I was trying to pin down the problem detailed a few posts up. That turned out to be caused by having medicinal herbs in inventory when not a muscle class. Closeting the herbs fixed the problem.
I am now also getting this error. Sauceror, Community Service, guild open, level 8. Changing the verbosity doesn't produce any more text. Any ideas what the issue could be?
What line is that? I admit I haven't checked, but I'd suspect line 730 isn't that same today as then.