New Content - Implemented Universal key in KOLHS and the perplexing door


Well-known member
I have spoilers enabled and if I use the Universal Key, created in Shop Class, at the Perplexing door, when lacking a digital key the spoilers for the puzzle do not display.


Well-known member
Only if I return to the Perplexing Door a second time, after the Universal Key has morphed into a Digital Key, do the spoilers display

On the first visit, during which the door accepts the Universal Key as a Digital Key, the spoilers don't display.


If you can get me the page source of the page where it morphs into the digital key I'll take a look, also in the page source of the previous page, can you confirm that the result of selecting universal key is to visit "lair2.php?preaction=key&whichkey=6663".

I am hoping it will be as simple as also running SorceressLairManager.decorateDigitalKey( buffer) when that URL is visited and a particular piece of text (TBD) is in the buffer.


Staff member
I'm on day 3 of my first KOLHS run. I made two miniature suspension bridges and a universal key today. I hope to use the latter in place of a digital key in a few days.

In anticipation, I submitted Revision 12917 today, which should recognize when your universal key morphs into any other key - and if it is a digital key, it will show show spoilers for that key.