Unexpected results from the maximizer, with the "show all, ..." option chosen
I was trying to find sources to wish for for extra sleaze damage in the maximizer, and thought that by setting that "show all, ..." setting to true I would get a list of all possible effects giving sleaze damage - however only three showed up. It lacks e.g. Gutterminded, which should show up even though I am in a g-lover run. Am I having the wrong expectations here, or doing something else wrong?

I was trying to find sources to wish for for extra sleaze damage in the maximizer, and thought that by setting that "show all, ..." setting to true I would get a list of all possible effects giving sleaze damage - however only three showed up. It lacks e.g. Gutterminded, which should show up even though I am in a g-lover run. Am I having the wrong expectations here, or doing something else wrong?