Bug Unequip an offhand item


New member
When I have an outfit with two of the same one-handed weapon in each slot and then I use a chat command to put on an outfit with the same weapon in the mainhand, but an offhand item, the gear changer thinks I unequipped the item from my mainhand, not my offhand.

Specific example:
Outfit 1 has 2 bottle-rocket crossbows
Outfit 2 has 1 Bottle-rocket crossbow and a pilgrim shield.

I have outfit 1 on, from chat I type "/outfit outfit 2" the game displays "item unequipped: bottle-rocket crossbow. Item equipped: pilgrim shield"
Mafia shows me as having a pilgrim shield equipped and no mainhand weapon. This situation fixes itself if I visit my equipment page in the relay browser.
Unfortunately, the server response to /outfit gives no information as to which slots were affected; mafia has to guess, and sometimes guesses wrong. Using the Gear Changer or the gCLI for outfit changes is the only suggestion I can make at this time.
I asked CDMoyer for insight about how KoL decides to put what, where.

He did not respond to that question.

I still have it on my list to figure out, somehow. If we can do that, we can avoid custom outfit creation when visiting the Laboratory to buy seltzers, for example: we could simply use "outfit last" to go back to what was there before. Assuming we can reliably figure out what KoL swapped out and swapped in during the outfit swaps.
Doesn't KoL itself still have a couple of "minor" bugs involving this, ie switching what's in each hand under some circumstances when you change in and out of an outfit? If this is so, I don't see much hope of KoLmafia doing any better without extra server hits.
Bump: does any of the new api.php mumbo-jumbo help with this issue, out of curiosity? (Not to mention a desire to close old bug reports. ;))
We do not want to make an extra call on api.php after an ajax outfit switch. We want to Do The Right Thing with equipment right from the reply from the outfit switch. I spent half of a day a while back figuring out KoL's algorithm for accessories. I'm sure we can do something similar and figure out how to deal with this case - or the case of swapping one two-wreapon outfit for another two-weapon outfit.
Oh yeah, duh. Guess that it relies on either getting KoL to give more meaningful info or being able to exactly duplicate their logic. Sounds like fun.