Feature - Implemented Uneffect Blood Sugar Sauce Magic


It is an intrinsic that can be uneffected by casting Blood Sugar Sauce Magic again. Please make the lemniscate (∞) a clickable link to cast the skill and uneffect it.


Staff member
Revision 13257 teaches KoLmafia that this intrinsic can be uneffected by casting the skill again.

This is the second intrinsic that can be uneffected; Overconfident is granted by casting Pep Talk and is removed by using the skill again. There are two bug requests about that:

Uneffect Overconfident
Shrug "Overconfident"

The second asks that it be shruggable via the charpane. And, although it is marked as Implemented (by whom?) it does not seem to have been done; I see the following in CharPaneDecorator.java:

	private static final void decorateIntrinsics( final StringBuffer buffer )


Active member
This is the second intrinsic that can be uneffected; Overconfident is granted by casting Pep Talk and is removed by using the skill again. There are two bug requests about that:

Do not flavour of magic intristics count, since they can be uneffected by casting spirit of nothing (verified just now as seal clubber), but mafia is unaware of that?


Staff member
Revision 13258 adds Spirit of Nothing as the skill which will uneffect the various Flavour of Magic intrinsics. It also makes thie infinity sign in the charpane an uneffect link that will cast the appropriate skills, for intrinsics that can be uneffected by a skill.