New Content - Implemented Two Crazy Random Summer

Thanks! Revision 19329.

And I am deriving Turtle Tamer/Marmot right this second, which will leave only Turtle Tamer/Wallaby.
Thank you! Revision 19331 has it.

Unless somebody points out something I am forgetting, I declare our support for this path to be done.
(Searched for "Pulverize" in this thread and didn't get any results, so mentioning it here. Apologies if this is in the wrong place!)

Now that mafia sees equipment enchantments correctly in 2CRS, it's confused about pulverize yields! (which are determined by the item's "natural" enchantments)

p.s. I don't even know where/who to begin thanking for getting 2CRS working, but I assume it was a massive amount of work, and am immensely grateful to everyone involved
OK. What, exactly, is "confused about pulverize yields"?
The pulverize panel? What do you see that is "confused"?

(TCRS support was an immense amount of work, and I did all the actual coding to make it so (with help from frono to get the "fetch from KoLmafia SVN repository" working), but collecting all 54 class/sign datasets was a community project with lots of people whom I will thank here, by and by, but will not do so until I make sure I get ALL the contributors. I can name almost all of them from memory, but listing all-but-one of them would be worse than listing none of them. Patience.)
The expected powder/nugget/wad distribution is still accurate, but the elements are messed up. For example, in the seed I'm currently in, Knob Goblin scimitar has its enchantment rerolled to +1 hot res, so mafia is predicting that it'll yield TwStSl 1P (when in reality it'll only produce Tw 1P, since the "natural" enchantment is just +1 mus)
Huh. You are right. I just pulverized a knob goblin harem veil - which gives moxie +10 in this TCRS seed, rather than stench resistance +1 - and it gave me sleaze powder.

That's irritating, since when you are in a TCRS run, we don'y have the "normal" enchantments available.

TCRS support was an immense amount of work, and I did all the actual coding to make it so [with Frono for the svn bit]

Speaking as a contributor, I'd like to say 'thank you' to you and frono and all my fellow contributors (to be named later). The difference between my last run and my first run has been fantastic.

All the things I can think of to do are marginal at best (search by effect in the new potions tab (so I can find 'Got Milk') and/or change the Use Milk button to find which item (if any) provides "Got Milk?" and use that instead of actual milk).
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Thank you! Revision 19331 has it.

Unless somebody points out something I am forgetting, I declare our support for this path to be done.

I'm not sure how the spoon is currently handled, but it seems to work like any other equipment in the path, so it can just be part of the data files rather than special coded.
Oh, and mafia might want to fetch/apply a new data file when you use the spoon new ability to change your moonsign.

Edit: ugh, yeah, right, spoon. Spoons and sabers are not the same.
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Huh. You are right. I just pulverized a knob goblin harem veil - which gives moxie +10 in this TCRS seed, rather than stench resistance +1 - and it gave me sleaze powder.

That's irritating, since when you are in a TCRS run, we don'y have the "normal" enchantments available.

Another interesting quirk: when you donate booze to the Carriageman in Dreadsylvania, it uses the normal potencies. I’m not sure if this holds for other mechanics that use attributes in unusual ways, like feeding Asdon Martins and such.
Oh, and mafia might want to fetch/apply a new data file when you use the sabers new ability to change your moonsign.
I have not even unpacked my saber. I had no idea. Whoa.
Yeah, if you can change your sign, we should load up the data for the new one.

Pulverization data was derived "as needed" - when you load the item manager, for example - and cached.
Revision 19332 derives and caches the pulverization data for all equipment at login, before TCRS data files are loaded
Oh, and mafia might want to fetch/apply a new data file when you use the sabers new ability to change your moon sign.

This is the hewn moon-rune spoon that does it, not the saber. Once per ascension according to the kol forums. All items change when you switch but you keep the buffs.

Super keen!
A lot of people contributed to the spading effort. I count 16 different user ids. frono and I committed the community provided data and also contributed data from our own runs. Both of us credited the contributor in the commit message, except when we committed our own data files.

Here is the final list of contributors. (The ones that have two names were submitted first by the first person before the cafe files were generated, and had the cafe file provided by somebody who did another run in the same class/sign.)

Thank you all for this!

ast154251                       Pastamancer/Vole
bosh                            Disco Bandit/Packrat
Croft                           Seal Clubber/Opossum
Crowther                        Accordion Thief/Marmot
Crowther                        Accordion Thief/Platypus
Crowther                        Accordion Thief/Wallaby
Crowther                        Disco Bandit/Blender
Crowther                        Disco Bandit/Wombat
fewyn                           Seal Clubber/Marmot
fewyn                           Turtle Tamer/Wallaby
fronobulax                      Accordion Thief/Mongoose
fronobulax                      Disco Bandit/Mongoose
fronobulax                      Disco Bandit/Platypus
fronobulax                      Disco Bandit/Wallaby
fronobulax                      Pastamancer/Marmot
fronobulax                      Seal Clubber/Wallaby
glx                             Accordion Thief/Packrat
King Dave                       Seal Clubber/Packrat
King Dave & Magus_Prime         Sauceror/Marmot
MCroft                          Turtle Tamer/Mongoose
MCroft                          Pastamancer/Mongoose
MCroft                          Disco Bandit/Opossum
MCroft                          Disco Bandit/Vole
Magus_Prime                     Accordion Thief/Wombat
Magus_Prime                     Pastamancer/Platypus
Magus_Prime                     Sauceror/Mongoose
Magus_Prime                     Sauceror/Opossum
Magus_Prime                     Sauceror/Vole
Magus_Prime                     Seal Clubber/Wombat
One Sided Die                   Pastamancer/Blender
One Sided Die                   Pastamancer/Packrat
One Sided Die                   Pastamancer/Wallaby
One Sided Die                   Sauceror/Wombat
One Sided Die                   Seal Clubber/Blender
One Sided Die                   Turtle Tamer/Blender
One Sided Die                   Turtle Tamer/Packrat
One Sided Die                   Turtle Tamer/Wombat
speaknoevil                     Accordion Thief/Opossum
speaknoevil                     Disco Bandit/Marmot
speaknoevil                     Pastamancer/Wombat
speaknoevil                     Sauceror/Platypus
speaknoevil                     Turtle Tamer/Opossum
The Amazing Mr Toothpaste       Seal Clubber/Vole
The Amazing Mr Toothpaste       Turtle Tamer/Vole
the dictator                    Sauceror/Packrat
Veracity                        Accordion Thief/Blender
Veracity                        Accordion Thief/Vole
Veracity                        Pastamancer/Opossum
Veracity                        Sauceror/Wallaby
Veracity                        Seal Clubber/Platypus
Veracity                        Turtle Tamer/Marmot
Veracity                        Turtle Tamer/Platypus
Veracity & MCroft               Sauceror/Blender
xmccx & Veracity                Seal Clubber/Mongoose
All the things I can think of to do are marginal at best (search by effect in the new potions tab (so I can find 'Got Milk') and/or change the Use Milk button to find which item (if any) provides "Got Milk?" and use that instead of actual milk).
I've wished for this one myself.
Me too. That's why I added the "sort by effect name" option to the potion tab. With that, at least, you can scroll the list down to "G" and see if you have a Got Milk? potion in inventory. Not perfect, since it shows only potions you have in inventory, not ones you can make or pull. But I think it's an adequate substitute for "search by effect"

Not every class/sign has a potion that grants that effect. And, as was pointed out by Boondoggle in his EPIC Catsup/ketchup script, you can use a genie wish for it (given a Genie and an available wish.) I tend to use my wishes for lobsterfrogmen and ghosts, and maybe a mountain man, but for somebody who tends to favor turn generation over turn shaving (like me; I'm not a speedster), adding 15 turns would be more fun than saving 5 to get an additional lobsterfrogman, say.

I liked the seed where super spiky hair gel gave Got Milk?, since it made protagonists a lot less annoying. :)

I'm not sure how the spoon is currently handled, but it seems to work like any other equipment in the path, so it can just be part of the data files rather than special coded.
I corrected "saber" to "spoon" for you.

Yeah, it seems like just another item. So, I think I will remove the special handling for the spoon and will re-submit all of the (non-cafe) data files without the spoon. That means the "update" stage of loading the data files when you log in will derive & save that item like any other item which is not in the TCRS data files.

Oh, and mafia might want to fetch/apply a new data file when you use the spoon's new ability to change your moonsign.
Yeah. That should go in the "spoon" New Content thread, rather than this one, since you can do that even if you are not in TCRS, right? But yes - the code to handle that will need to do additional stuff if you are in TCRS.

Unless somebody beats me to it, After I free the king in a few days, I'll turn on debugging and tune my spoon, to get the info we need to support it. The "tune spoon" link seems to just be a "use" link, so it probably redirects somewhere.
Revision 19334 treats the hewn moon-rune spoon like any other item - except if we load it from your local TCRS data file and see that name, we force a re-derive/save to get the real modifiers for your use.
Huge thanks to Veracity and all other contributors for their work on getting Mafia to the place it is now with this path - to the layman it seemed like an impossible task to get support when the path was released, but here we are.
I'm going to mark this done. This has all the core support (and more) needed for TCRS.

Here are things which are still interesting or important, but do not need to be done to declare this done:

1a) We read Clowniness and Surgeonosity from item descriptions, but since those are both now Numeric modifiers, we don't correctly handle the "unique items only" aspect of them. This is not unique to TCRS. This bug report tracks this issue.

1b) (Nobody mentioned this, but Raveosity is also a hand-annotated bitmap modifier which we will not recognize in TCRS. There is nothing in the item description which would allow us to recognize it from there, so, no help for the DB Nemesis quest under TCRS.)

2a) It would be very nice if the "pick an astral pet" page in Valhalla had a dropdown for class/sign which would be populated with 55 elements: "non-TCRS" and 54 others: "TCRS Accordion Thief/Mongoose" etc. - for each possible astral item. It would respond - in the browser, using Java Script magic (just like the "tune moon" page for the hewn moon-rune spoon does) to show you the Modifiers associated with each astral item. That Java Script magic requires having ALL 55 possibilities for each item on the page source and having the Java Script switch to display the correct values when you select a value in the dropdown. That will result in a very large page. It could either be built in to KoLmafia or could be a 3rd-party relay script. Or it could start as a relay script (especially while it is being developed) and move into core KoLmafia.

I think I'll start a Feature Request for this.

2b) Ditto for the astral consumables. That page could have a similar active drop down and would display three lines:

astral pilsner (size) (quality doesn't matter)
astral hot dog (size) (quality doesn't matter)
steel margarita (size) (quality probably does matter, since you actually get adventures from it in TCRS)

3) Something to help get Got Milk in TCRS. Perhaps "tcrs milk" could list all the sources for that effect for you. That would be trivial - as would a script of some sort, since its already available to ASH:

[color=green]> ash $effect[ Got Milk ].all[/color]

Returned: aggregate boolean [string]
use 1 milk of magnesium => true

Adding "genie effect Got Milk" to that list - both in and out of TCRS - and providing some sort of way to select one of the options via the "milk" button on the Food page would be another Feature request.

4) (I'd still like to move to mirror image lists and comparators in the UseItemEnqueue panel. They almost works - especially since frono fixed my "food" comparator bug - but, for some reason, they do not update instantly and track the state of the checkbox correctly, unlike the current behavior. I'll look again and figure this out, by and by. Java Swing is not easy...)

I've completed 11 HC TCRS runs now (I'm slow) and I can't think of anything else I wish we did to make TCRS easier.