Bug - Fixed turn spent getting boring binder clip not counted when it is turned into file on obtention

Thank you, I failed to meet the autocraft situation using KoLmafia 26401 but can confirm the Hidden Temple puzzle counts turns faithfully now

I have managed to reproduce choice -> fight in two locations

in The Hidden Office Building, Encounter: Working Holiday
choice 786/1: Fight ancient protector spirit - increments turns_spent by 2, this seems always reproducible in auto adventuring, same in choice 780/1
there is another choice -> fight chain in the same choice that is always available unlike the ancient protector spirit
choice 786/3: Fight pygmy witch accountant - incremented turns_spent by 2 in auto adventuring, incremented turns_spent by 1 in relay browser adventuring

in The Penultimate Fantasy Airship, Encounter: Random Lack of an Encounter
this one is not consistent, one instance I do not have logged started with one relay browser adventure (Random Lack of an Encounter, choice 182/1: enter combat) that incremented turns_spent by 1 to 29, then on starting a request for 9 auto adventures the next adventure (same choice, Random Lack of an Encounter, choice 182/1: enter combat) incremented turns_spent by 3 straight to 32
I do have a logged instance that incremented turns_spent by 2