New Content - Implemented Turn-in process and rewards for Bat Hole and Cyrpt quests have been simplified


August 14 - The turn-in process and rewards for the Bat Hole and Cyrpt quests have been simplified. The badass belt remains badass.

The batskin belt and skull of the Bonerdagon are now equippable items. Also, might this mess up quest tracking?

The original Batskin belt is now "old batskin belt":
old belt:
I'm not sure about the old skull.
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No longer quest items, and potentially useful on their own (and their product isn't a sctrict upgrade) -> maybe don't automatically create the badass belt any more?
Considering the components are not quest items, we might consider not autocreating it, but since you CAN untinker it, I don't think it does any harm to keep doing so.

Revision 14381 has the new items and the new recipe (which does count as a discovery, as my never ascended multi found by untinkering it. The badass belt does not appear on my main's list of discoveries, yet, so it looks like the new recipe replaces the old one.)
Considering the components are not quest items, we might consider not autocreating it, but since you CAN untinker it, I don't think it does any harm to keep doing so.

Mafia doesn't automatically remake it back together when the ingredients enter inventory? (not in position to check right now)
Looks like they would. But, we can make that happen only if they are "combat results". We should actually only update the quest in that case, anyway. Revision 14390 does that, which probably finishes the New Content.