ttpack = a collection of scripts by taltamir

heyo, small change request here:
pls check for hippy_stone_broken() in postStuff() of tt_login, before using the Meteorite-Ade, makes no sense to waste them if I kept my hippy stone intact
and maybe, just maybe, set the initial value of "tt_login_pvp" to false on first run, just to avoid any accidents?
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heyo, small change request here:
pls check for hippy_stone_broken() in postStuff() of tt_login, before using the Meteorite-Ade, makes no sense to waste them if I kept my hippy stone intact
and maybe, just maybe, set the initial value of "tt_login_pvp" to false on first run, just to avoid any accidents?
done. thank you.
I should also make a specific setting for this too. allowing opt out.