Trying to get an SVN to work from GitHub


I have a repository on GitHub I'd like to get working with mafia's SVN system if possible.

If anyone could help me out a bit, right now it's saying that "The requested repo failed validation. Complain to the script's author.", as far as I can tell I've formatted the repository properly, so I have no idea what's needed to get it to download beyond that.
I'm disinclined to add a github repository to mafia's Script Manager even if you do get it working. Please use sourceForge.

We already have enough problems with frequent error reports on Ezandora's Guide and don't want to see that difficulty replicated with another script. Obviously if you don't care about being listed in the Script Manager you can do your own thing, but please consider that it will cause trouble for the users.
You should really consider leaving Sourceforge because of their anti-consumer practices that have recently been made more public.
You should really consider leaving Sourceforge because of their anti-consumer practices that have recently been made more public.

Unless fewyn decides to set up an svn server on there isn't another good alternative since google code announced they are shutting down.

I saw several articles on Slashdot about that happening (which, if anything, should be biased toward favorable sourceforge coverage, given the common ownership). One of them was this, where ads were bundled with a binary download. Sourceforge has backed off that policy for now, though it isn't too surprising given the opt-in option that some projects were given several years ago.

All of this stuff has only affected binary downloads though, and I feel like the important thing we use sourceforge for is version control and source code hosting. I don't see anything negatively affecting our project any time soon. I did browse around a bit (not too much though) to see what the alternatives are for hosting, and I wasn't very sure that using svn (instead of git) was a good way to go with other services. Given that the current setup is working fine, I don't really have any interest in figuring out how to properly use git "just in case", so that's where I stopped looking.
What lost said. As shady as some of their "bundleware" practices have been, it doesn't (and won't) affect svn.
You should really consider leaving Sourceforge because of their anti-consumer practices that have recently been made more public.

If the anti-consumer practices of SourceForge are of significant importance to not use it, might I suggest the discussion should migrate to whether KoLmafia source should continue to be hosted there, or not? So long as the KoLmafia source is at SourceForge I concur with Bale that the KoLmafia Script Manager should not be required to handle non-SVN hosted scripts and in the current environment that pretty much means scripts are (also) hosted at SourceForge.

That said, I Remember Things That Did Not Happen, but nevertheless the bundling is old news. When it was first discussed with reference to KoLmafia the observation was that it was irrelevant to the users of KoLmafia (whether jar or exe) and the social and political implications of the practice were not a serious concern for the developers or the community here. Perhaps that has changed, but not for me.
We also require the use of Java, which routinely offers rubbish to install in the same way, and that is also not changing. When so many tools out there do this (dodgy, bad for their image) trick, it seems hard to single out Sourceforge. were bundled with a binary download.
Yeah, I remember us discussing this at the time. It was opt-in, and I remember thinking that if I ever used an open source project that did opt-in, I'd immediately switch to a competing open source project, but until and unless Sourceforge somehow required projects to use their build tools to insert extra stuff not controlled by the project itself into binaries, it was completely irrelevant to THIS project.

That opinion stands. I don't see how their "anti-consumer practices" have anything to do with us using them as a svn server for source code. Doubly so for ASH scripts which will don't even HAVE a "binary" form to download.

Now, if they start to require all source code hosted on their site to use the GPL license - rather than Berkeley (as we do) or Apache, or the non-virus license of the project's choice - THAT would be a reason to cease using them for SVN.
I've considered trying to setup an SVN server for usage here but I've yet to find a software package which would make managing them not a pain in the rear. If anyone has seen any I'd be open to giving it a try.
That costs $$$
This Beta release of Cloud Source Repositories is free and can be used to store up to 500 MB of source files.
Apparently you read different documentation than I do.

And as near as I can tell, it is only for git, not svn. Svn is definitely not favored as a development platform anymore.
True. I don't see any way to set it up as for SVN, at least without actually signing up and checking. And unless it can be made to use SVN... *shrugs*
Bit of a necro here, I'm aware, but I just got this working myself, so I figured I'd post a followup. To allow Mafia to work with GitHub, you need to do two things. One, you can't have any files in the top level of your repo other than "dependencies.txt", or it'll fail validation. Two, you need to append "trunk/" onto the SVN URL that GitHub gives you. For example, my newly-created Volcano Mining script, at, would use the following command in KoLMafia to successfully check it out:
svn checkout

This points KoLMafia at the directory structure it's expecting to see.

EDIT: Alternatively, if you want to point it at a specific branch, you can append "branches/<branchname>". This would turn the above example into:
svn checkout
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