Trouble with my Custom Combat Script


New member
I'm new to mafia, and I'm obviously new to scripting...
I've read a couple of posts, but I cannot understand them.

I adventure a lot at Icy Peak, but I can't leave mafia to do the job alone because of the snow queen.
When fighting the Snow Queen, I use the skill stream of sauce...
But fighting something else, I just attack.
Sure I wrote myself a script:
[ default ]
1: attack with weapon

[ knott yeti ]
1: attack with weapon

[ snow queen ]
1: skill stream of sauce

[ upgraded ram ]
1: attack with weapon

But whenever I upload it:
No available namespace with function [>

May I recieve some advice or help with my scripting problem?
Ah, for custom combat, you aren't actually uploading a script for mafia to use. What you want to do is find the custom combat tab (I think it's on the adventure pane), and choose to edit that. Your format is correct, you just aren't giving the information to mafia in the correct place. Then, in the top-right, where you choose how to attack, you choose your custom combat settings option.