Trophy progress


New member
I put together this trophy progress bar to pop up during my breakfast script. This lets me know the actual progress towards various trophies.

I added support for a few trophies I already have, so hopefully those are working as well as for the ones I don't have.

It tries to make some simple guesses on when to display a progress. The most basic of those is that if no progress has been made at all, don't display the bar. This hides consumption trophies until you've had at least the first one of the items in question. For some other trophies, it does some similar guesswork.

I took an existing script from this forum for the consumption totals, so to get things to work, you'd need to download both scripts.

If you call the script directly, it'll display the progress towards trophies it thinks you may be working towards. Alternately, you can import it and call TrophyProgressAll().

This script won't give you info on what to do to complete trophies, but if you're heading towards some trophies, this can help you see your progress in them.

[edit 1/18/2008] Changed trophies to also look in Hagnk's for confetti.
[edit 1/21/2008] Gnome skill progress now always shows up (not just in moxie sign), familiar trophy weight trophies fixed
[edit 1/25/2008] Changed Level 30 progress to use substats. More depressing, but more accurate.
[edit 11/2/2008] Fixed the "Best meal of my life" bar. Added a very approximate guide for the "Awww, Yeah" trophy.
[edit 11/3/2008] Added support for crafting discoveries

[current version: 1.5]


Very nice, I was surprised to find I was one piece of food away from a trophy I had somehow passed over. Thank you for your work!
[quote author=dangerpin link=topic=1453.msg6710#msg6710 date=1200646074]
Very nice, I was surprised to find I was one piece of food away from a trophy I had somehow passed over. Thank you for your work!

Well it has already done some good, then! I use it so I can be compulsive about things, but it's great to hear it suprised someone like this.
The script claims I'm 1/5 of the way to getting Eerily Skilled. The trouble with that is I don't have any spookyraven skills permed. I DO have Fearful Fettuccine, but it's not permed. Nevermind, read the comments. Not an issue with your script. >.>

Also, I'm not sure of this was your intention, but the script claims I can collect the following trophies I've already gotten when calling TrophyProgressAll():

  • [li]Phileas Foggy[/li]
    [li]I Heart Canadia[/li]
    [li]Platinum Skull[/li]
    [li]Disgusting Cocktail[/li]
    [li]The Ghuol Cup[/li]
    [li]Weeping Pizza[/li]
    [li]Failure to Communicate[/li]
    [li]Best Meal of My Life[/li]
    [li]Three-Tiered Trophy[/li]
    [li]Your Log Saw Something That Night[/li]

Considering most of these are consumption trophies I want to say it'd follow the same behavior with Bouquet of Hippies, but I'm only 8% of the way towards that one ;)

Also, when calling TrophyProgressAll() shouldn't it show me my progress on Friend of the Gnomes? Even though I'm a myst sign this ascension, I have torso permed and would like to see my status on the skill trophies, to plot ascensions and whatnot.

Anyway, awesome work on the script! Thanks a ton. :)
[quote author=Azrane link=topic=1453.msg6735#msg6735 date=1200818525]
Also, I'm not sure of this was your intention, but the script claims I can collect the following trophies I've already gotten when calling TrophyProgressAll():
(...list of trophies...)

That's odd. I have a handful of those and the only ones listed are the ones I already own. Are you using any greasemonkey scripts that would affect your trophy list? I've only tried this on a handful of accounts but it seemed to work with the consumption trophies consistantly. If you don't have greasemonkey scripts running, can you do a view-source on your trophy collection and send it to me in a pm? I can run the script on the page from here that way and see why it isn't parsing out.

[quote author=Azrane link=topic=1453.msg6735#msg6735 date=1200818525]
Also, when calling TrophyProgressAll() shouldn't it show me my progress on Friend of the Gnomes? Even though I'm a myst sign this ascension, I have torso permed and would like to see my status on the skill trophies, to plot ascensions and whatnot.

I specifically excluded the gnome trophy progress when you were out of a moxie sign and couldn't progress towards it. I could change that pretty easily if that was preferrable. I already have it, so made an assumption on how I thought I may want it. I have another change I want to put into it, so I'll change it when I do that part as well. If you want to see it sooner, the simplest way would be to search for the line: "if (in_moxie_sign())" and change it to "if (true)".

I'll have an updated one out monday or tuesday and will change that as well and maybe have a consumption fix if you can send me that source (unless you're using greasemonkey, then send me which scripts you're running and I'll have it look at those as well).

Now that I think about it, I don't see how greasemonkey would break it since it doesn't go to that browser when using visit_url(). Can you just open the relay browser and send the source of that page then? I'll see if I can replicate things here.
Actually what he'll want to do instead of opening the browser, is to type "debug on" run the script, type "debug off", and send the debug log. it'll show you the path of the script execution and all of the html mafia retrieves unlatered by the browsers or anyscripts.
K, so I found a typo, and btw, the debug log this script generates is massive. Mine was 10mb. Anyway, while browsing for my issue, there is typo.
	PrintProgress("100 Pound Load",trophycounter["100 Pound Load"],100);
	if (trophycounter["300 Pound Load"]>100) // don't display until past "100"
		PrintProgress("300 Pound Load",trophycounter["300 Pound Load"],300);
	if (trophycounter["Black Hole Terrarium"]>300) // don't display until past "300"
		PrintProgress("Black Hole Terrarium",trophycounter["Black Hole Terrarium"],500);
Some of those used to say "Pount" not "Pound" and that was causing trophycounter[trophyName] to return 0 instead of the actual count. Now I get a display of my familiar progress.
Rock. Thanks!

I looked at the debug log. A large majority of it seems to be from what mafia puts into the debug log (pretty much everything) and how the familiar tour trophies are parsed out since there's a lot of string parsing in that. It looks at the preferred familiar of each ascension and the %-age of each. I could probably make it more debug-log friendly, but unless something odd comes up with the familiar parsing I don't know if I want to dive into that code too much. It's pretty simple to read right now and works quickly enough (and is server friendly, if not debug-log friendly).
[quote author=degrassi link=topic=1453.msg6766#msg6766 date=1200949792]
Rock. Thanks!

I looked at the debug log. A large majority of it seems to be from what mafia puts into the debug log (pretty much everything) and how the familiar tour trophies are parsed out since there's a lot of string parsing in that. It looks at the preferred familiar of each ascension and the %-age of each. I could probably make it more debug-log friendly, but unless something odd comes up with the familiar parsing I don't know if I want to dive into that code too much. It's pretty simple to read right now and works quickly enough (and is server friendly, if not debug-log friendly).[/quote]Oh, no I wasn't saying you needed to change anything. I said that because I had commented they should send you a debug log for their issue, and I thought I would comment on how massive it is. Your right, it's just a product of all the behind-the-scenes processing that's going on.
[quote author=raorn link=topic=1453.msg6991#msg6991 date=1202048000]
Why did Jack of Several Trades requires 6 skills in HC and 5 otherwise?
Because of a typo. :)

Fixed. I'll upload the updated file later this morning when I test a couple of other changes I've made to it.
[quote author=degrassi link=topic=1453.msg6994#msg6994 date=1202055313]
Because of a typo. :)

It looks more like copy-paste ;-)

Thanks for a nice script.
I am currently working on the gender bender trophy. When I ran this script it didn't show any progress at all on this. I would guess it hasn't tracked it since I haven't used the script until today and I already have switched genders a few times.

Also it said that I was eligible for the Failure to Communicate Trophy when I have only eaten 27 Lucky Surprise Eggs. If I had to guess I think it is counting the spooky surprise eggs as well since I have eaten 128 of those.
I don't know of a good way to track the gender bender trophy, so it's not in the script at all.

I'll look into the surprise egg one. There may be something goofy in the consumption record parser.
Bummer about the gender bender. That was the main reason I got it. oh well.

Good script though. Thanks for making it and looking in the lucky surprise egg issue.
was confused when the script was telling me i was available for best meal of my life, but wasnt seeing it. going through my consumption records it seems i havent eaten any fries.

LINE 327 said:
if (food_consumed[$item[White Citadel burger]]<10)
should be
if (food_consumed[$item[White Citadel fries]]<10)
I wonder if you might be planning to add progress-checking for the black pudding trophy?

This is a wonderful, helpful script -- your work is much appreciated!
I've been away for a while so didn't update anything. I've updated the main script to fix the "best meal" trophy and has some very basic support for the "Awww, Yeah" trophy.

Maths could be better on that one, but I'm feeling math bad today. If anyone wants to do the figures and get me a more accurate number, I'm happy to include it. The way it guesses is to look at how many you've eaten. When you try to eat one, there's a 35% chance of fighting one, so you can use the "how many you've eaten" to at least guess on progress.

I'm toying with some HTML parsing for item creation trophies, but I'm not quite at a point to share the broken crap I have for it yet.

New script up top has support now for crafting discovery trophies. Well, at least it works on my accounts, so hopefully there's not something screwy and missed, there.
I don't think the script parses the familiar page correctly. I get (0%) : Professional Tour Guide. It's probably the update with familiar percentage measured until the prism that broke it, somewhere in November/December 2008.
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