Feature - Implemented Trim drop downs to areas actually available


Active member
When you use the drop-down version of the top menu in KoL Mafia adds some things that are not there in native kol (different inventory links and direct links to spookyraven and the guild for example). It also adds a lot of things you cannot access yet because you do not meet the requirements such as The Lair below level 13 (and finished quests), the Volcanic island if you haven't shown the map to the pirates and so on (many more of these are there at lower levels, these are the ones my level 12 character still can't get to).

This abundance of links makes the drop down less nice than the original version is which fills up as you progress and also leads to a lot of "Server www5.kingdomofloathing.com returned a blank page from lair.php. Complain to Jick, not us." since we'll I can't actually see the lair yet...

So, I'm complaining here and not to Jick because this wouldn't have happened in native KoL :)

Would it be possible to trim the drop down to places you can actually access or is that too hard code-wise?


Staff member
I don't use compact mode, so I'm not familiar with it. But, seems to me from looking at the code a year ago that since we are modifying a KoL-supplied dropdown, we could just take the one which KoL supplies and maybe add a few things to it, assuming that's why we are modifying it in the first place.


Active member
It is not in compact mode, it is one of the three top menu versions available to choose from in your account menu. There are three options "links", "drop down" and "icons" and I quite like the drop down because I always manage to click on the wrong link in the link-version that was the standard before. Compact mode only affects, it seems to me, the character pane to the left and not the top menu.

Just to show the different version:

That said if you could just add a few extra things to it instead of adding everything at once that would be perfect.


Staff member
Yes, as I said - "compact mode".

Used to be we had compact and regular mode.
Then they split it into compact and regular mode for the side and top panes individually.
Then they added icon mode to the top pane.

So, in the context you are talking about - the topmenu - you are talking about compact mode.

Considering that we were successfully communicating, you really didn't need to correct me.


Active member
True, I apologise for any inconsideration there. I wasn't aware of that that was the way compact mode looked before as I never used that before they split it up which was what confused me.


New member
I've noticed this fix also got rid of a lot of handy links like the Council, Guild Hall, Cobb's Knob, Spookyraven, and Mt. McLargeHuge (might be more, I can't remember exactly). Any chance those could be put back, or was their removal intentional?

Edit: As this is my first post on these forums, I just wanted to thank all the Mafia devs for this amazing application. I don't think I'd be able to play KoL without it.

Edit 2: Also, just unlocked the Beanstalk on my current run, and it isn't showing up in my Goto list. Does Mafia need to be restarted to get the list refreshed? If so, in my opinion, this fix seems to hurt usability quite a bit.
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Yeah, I'm missing the nice added entries too.

Also been being sent to the main map when I click on Sell Stuff link in the left hand dropdown since this change, rather than going to the Sell Stuff page.


Staff member
Revision 8992 fixes the Sell Stuff link. Early revisions added back custom Go To menu locations.