Feature - Rejected (Trapper quest) Track cheese delivery and ore delivery separately


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From the wiki:

questL08Trapper tracks the player's progress in the Mt. McLargeHuge Quest.

unstarted: quest not yet received from the Council
started: quest received from the Council
step1: cheese and ore requested by the Trapper
step2: cheese and ore returned to the Trapper
step3: discovered the stairs up to the Mist-Shrouded Peak (via either route)
step4: fought at least one yeti
step5: defeated the monster at the top of the Peak
finished: returned the fur to the Trapper (quest complete)

I couldn't find a way to distinguish between "cheese returned, ore unreturned" and "ore returned, cheese unreturned". Would it be possible to add additional properties to track this? Un-setting the property "trapperOre" when ore is no longer needed would be good enough for my specific use case, if that's easier.
Everything you want is already tracked by inventory count of cheese and ore though? As far as I know the trapper takes nothing until they take both.