Feature - Implemented Tracking when a Mer-boss is killed


Active member
Since we don't have any other easy way to tell, it would be great if there was a property for having already retrieved your Mer-kin special outfit piece this ascension. We can try to go to the temple with a server hit to validate, but if we could avoid server hits for something which we already know, that would be great.

This could either be boolean or string, as you can only have one merkinBossVanquished (or some other name) per run.

Thank you for your consideration.


Staff member
This is the only remaining open Feature Request for The Sea that I can find. Considering I expect I will only be going through The Sea four more times, now is probably a good time to bump this.


Staff member
Revision 12787 should solve this, pretty comprehensively.

New setting: merkinQuestPath

- Starts as "none"
- If you successfully read the dreadscroll, set to "scholar"
- If you win the 15th match in the Colosseum, set to "gladiator"
- When you claim your prize from Yog-Urt, Shub-Jigguwatt, or Dad Sea Monkee, set to "done"

That's the normal progression, if KoLmafia watches you do everything. There are various other things you can do that will result in that setting being updated.

- If you read the dreadscroll and it burns up because you are locked into the gladiator path, sets to "gladiator" and sets lastColosseumRoundWon to 15
- If you visit the Colosseum and it is empty because your fans have gone home, ditto
- If you visit the Colosseum and can't get in because you are the High Priest, sets to "scholar"
- If you visit the Temple and it is empty, sets to "done"

Additionally, when you visit the Mer-kin Temple, it should log as such, rather than as "sea_merkin.php?action=temple"

None of this is tested yet; I ascended this morning and will be back in the Colosseum on Sunday.