Tracking Pirates: A Barrrney's Barrr Script

Here is a script that I wrote using the new quest tracking feature. Stole the beer pong part from BCCAscend (who in turn stole it from Rinn). Cheers, Rinn.

Insults is set to 7 by default, easily changed in the first declaration.

The full hp restore got added before using caronch's map cuz the crab beat me up a couple times in boris when I wasn't fully healed going in.

Coming Soon: Tracking Bugbears!


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I see you decided not to use cli_execute("goals add "+ pong_goal +" pirate insult").

It's nice to see roippi's quest tracking being used so well.
I see you decided not to use cli_execute("goals add "+ pong_goal +" pirate insult").

I'll tell you why! When you started the script with that goal, then for whatever reason had to restart the script, it was ADDING +7 pirate insults. So I went back to counting them like I was before to avoid that little mess.
I went back and "goals set" works perfectly. I also added another check on whether you already had the insults in case the script is stopped and restarted for some reason.

Updated the attachment in the first post.
Stole the beer pong part from BCCAscend (who in turn stole it from Rinn). Cheers, Rinn.

Nice, I did that exact same thing in my boris script. ;)

One thing in your script that might be an edge case issue once in a blue moon: in tryBeerPong(), if a person has failed at beer pong and decided not to try it again, and then runs your script before the 10 adventure refractory period is up, page won't contain_text "Arrr You Man Enough?", but it will contain_text "Combat" instead.
You know, when I yanked that part of the function, i did so because i thought it was redundant, and that explains why.

That said, that's something I would *never* do. I'd rather fail 10 more times with 6 (if I ever set it to 6). ;-)
Yeah, it's not something that I would ever do on purpose either, but I figure that one reason a person might want a script for this one specific quest is because they don't *quite* have all the details down to a science yet. It could happen. /me shrugs