Feature - Implemented Tracking number of bear hugs applied


It would be super cool if mafia would track the number of bear hugs applied each day in a zombie run. (Bear hug does something special for the first 10 uses and something much less special after that.)


New member
Just to check since I'm stupid, where exactly are these shown? I'm not seeing it in preferences, and don't see any obvious command to get it to show. Hell, I've wondered if there's some secret repository of all the CLI commands that can be used in Mafia to bring up neat stuff. I know of things like modtrace and such, but I know there's other neat stuff out there.


get _bearHugs

It's easiest to find with the prefref alias.

> prefref bear

_bearHugs (user: 0)
questM03Bugbear (user: unstarted)
alias prefref => ashq record r{string d ; }; r[string,string]m; file_to_map("defaults.txt",m); foreach t,p,d in m if(to_lower_case(p).contains_text(to_lower_case($string[%%]))) print(p+" ("+t+", now '"+get_property(p)+"', default '"+d.d+"')")

If you have prefref and the help command, then you can find pretty much any "secret" command or preference you want.


Top secret hush hush.

The wiki doesn't really expand on preferences though. You need to either search in the forum or in scripts (or in the source code) to find out if a specific info already has a preference, or to find out what info a preference holds.

Some aliases, like the one Bale posted, can be helpful too. Here is a thread with quite a few good ones: aliases.


New member
It would be nice if it could show up in the relay browser or the daily deeds. I know you can make custom daily deeds (not that I am very good at that) but then it always shows up, even in non-Zombie runs. Or even better as a number in the combat toolbar.


ZS Bear Hug counter

Would it be hard to implement a counter that tells you how many insta-kill hugs you've got left for the day? It'd be super helpful.