Tracking Bugbears: a Zapruder Quest/ Felonia script

Felonia 2.1

** Changelog **
2.0 Versioning support
Utilizes quest tracking feature
Improved mood handling
2.1 Only add skills to mood if you have the skill


Last edited:

I am trying to run the script and encounter this:

call scripts\felonia.ash

Changing "smooth" to "Smooth Movement" would get rid of this message (felonia.ash, line 26)
Changing "sonata" to "The Sonata of Sneakiness" would get rid of this message (felonia.ash, line 26)
Changing "bugbear pens" to "Post-Quest Bugbear Pens" would get rid of this message (felonia.ash, line 43)
Changing "spooky gravy barrow" to "The Spooky Gravy Barrow" would get rid of this message (felonia.ash, line 83)
Changing "spooky gravy barrow" to "The Spooky Gravy Barrow" would get rid of this message (felonia.ash, line 91)
Internal checkpoint created.​

Nothing happens after that.

So, I changed the lines requested, retried, and got this:

Internal checkpoint created.​

Nothing happens after that.
Running Mafia r13209 and Felonia 2.1
Thanks in advance for any assistance!
A little while ago KoL changed a whole lot of URLs to use place.php. As a result this script doesn't work. At the top of the script it says string zapruder = "knoll.php?place=mayor";

You need to change that line to

string zapruder = "place.php?whichplace=knoll_friendly&action=dk_mayor";
Bale, you are my hero once again. =) I made that change and the script worked beautifully. Thank you so much for your assistance!
FYI- This script didn't work for me today when I tried to run it- the error was:

Bad location value: "The Spooky Gravy Barrow" (felonia.ash, line 83)

I looked at the name of the location in-game and it appears to be 'The Spooky Gravy Burrow' now, rather than 'Barrow'. I did a search through the script and found 2 instances (line 83 and line 91). I changed both instances and the script ran fine after that. Huzzah!
FYI- This script didn't work for me today when I tried to run it- the error was:

Bad location value: "The Spooky Gravy Barrow" (felonia.ash, line 83)

I looked at the name of the location in-game and it appears to be 'The Spooky Gravy Burrow' now, rather than 'Barrow'. I did a search through the script and found 2 instances (line 83 and line 91). I changed both instances and the script ran fine after that. Huzzah!

Thanks. I've made this change locally but I'm pretty sure the reason I haven't resubmitted it is because it works fine if it runs all the way through. But if you or mafia stops it for any reason, the quest tracking has changed and it won't equip the elemental fairy and I haven't figured out how to work around that yet. Iow, by the time the script runs the 2nd time, all the things it looked at to determine what kind fairy Zapruder wants is gone, so new_familiar ends up [none]. So, that's where this script stands.