Feature - Rejected Track whether the player has been hit by a time's arrow today

It would be awesome to have a preference that tracks whether I've been hit by a time's arrow. I have various scripts that will send out an arrow to a bot, to have it shot back - but this is a potential waste of an arrow, if I've already been shot. (An alternative answer is for the bots to send back unusable arrows, but that doesn't always happen.)

I'm not sure whether tracking this would be complicated/impractical, since the notification comes as kmail. The simple text of the kmail is:

[playername] has shot you with a time's arrow.

... but I guess it would be more robust to use a chunk of the HTML (for instance, to protect against the preference being set incorrectly by a normal kmail with that text):

<img src=/images/adventureimages/timesarrow.gif width=100 height=100 alt="Time's Arrow" title="Time's Arrow"><br><b>HeartBot</b> has shot you with a time's arrow.</center><center><table><tr><td><img src="/images/itemimages/hourglass.gif" height=30 width=30 alt="Adventures"></td><td valign=center>You gain 5 Adventures.</td></tr></table>
Nothing is parsed from kmail, ever. The other thing missing for this case would be making sure that it actually happened today. The time displayed depends on the time zone you have set in KoL, which we don't track. There is reliable time if kmails are loaded using api.php, but that never happens either (except for scripts, occasionally).
Alright, fair enough. I suspected there might be a good reason why this wasn't already a thing, but I couldn't find any discussion about it. Thanks for the info.