Feature Track whether a familiar has yet to have been fed by the shorter-order cook


I think this would work better as a proxy record than as a preference (because the latter would become extremely long and cumbersome), but I'm not 100% sure.

The shorter-order cook gives a boost of either 81 or 100 familiar experience each time a familiar leaves your terrarium for the first time. There is in-game text associated with this on the wiki, although we don't actually need it for implementation here--if I pull out a familiar and I get the text then it was fed this particular time, and if I don't get the text, that means it already was fed.

For most use cases, any familiar with 0 experience hasn't been fed, and any familiar with >0 experience has. There are, however, a few cases where this is not the case:
- If you bought and used a shorter-order cook this ascension, your previously-used familiars will have >0 experience but be unfed
- If your Grey Goose reprocesses a monster in Grey You, it resets its experience down to 0 but retains its "has been fed" flag
- If a familiar you are yet to use as your active familiar has been placed in the bjorn or crown, it will accumulate experience without being fed

One additional note: the shorter-order cook appears to continue to feed familiars beyond the grave in Zombie Slayer.