track slimeling fullness (diff attached)

You're right that it did take less than 6 minutes of search and you're right his about making too many assumptions about your environment. In my environment I use tortoiseSVN, so I right-click on the folder and choose apply patch. Here's the results of my 2 minutes of searching for how to do it in your environment:
  1. Switch to "Files" view and select project root.
  2. Invoke Subversion | Revert Modifications from main menu or popup menu. (Select "Revert Local Changes" option and push Revert button.)
  3. Make sure that all modified files are "uptodated" now.
  4. Select project root and invoke Tools | Apply Diff Patch... popup menu action.
  5. Answer "Yes" in question dialog to confirm watching differences.

Incidentaly, I googled for "apply patch with svn from netbeans". The first result is the one I posted.
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Stupid question. What is the patch file and how do I get it on my system? I copied the text in the CODE block on the first page and pasted it into a text file and used that as the patch file but I get errors about "patch cannot be applied in selected context". While there are numerous sources for operator error that might generate the message, I figured I'd make sure what I was trying to use as the patch file was correct. (Patch files are not part of my professional toolkit because the team has access to the source tree and there are alternative ways to perform the same function).

All that aside, is this still desired and A Good Thing? Ignoring my struggles with the mechanics, if/when I finally check it in to the mafia tree, I am relying upon other people's testing experience which is a mild cause for concern.

I have been quite happy with this patch in my last few runs. As far as applying it, my method was to open up the files and edit them by hand because I didn't feel like figuring anything else out, but that leaves the possibility for error.
I'm also quite happy with it, despite the flaw.

Stupid question. What is the patch file and how do I get it on my system?

I copy-pasted it and saved it as a file with the extension .diff

I suppose it goes without saying, but you need to use a non-formatting text editor.

I'm not sure what my problem was but it went away when I placed the diff file in the source tree. Past experience suggests operator confusion but at least the update has been done.

Are there editors besides vi or vim?

ExtraxtorIt says
Love the new slimeling tracker! Just found it in a recent build. Absolutely lovely!
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Thanks jaadams5 for rolling my patch into the official build. Bale, I'm working on closing that last bug.

- churl2
I think you're making an awful lot of presumptions about my development environment ;-) For starters there is no executable named "patch" on my system. I'm using SVN from NetBeans and the usual 5 minute search didn't turn up a way to apply your patch although that is not to say it wouldn't turn up with 6 minutes of search.

There's other development environments besides unix?!
Thanks jaadams5 for rolling my patch into the official build. Bale, I'm working on closing that last bug.
It appears that there's another bug also: It doesn't recognize the slimeling being fed from the CLI.

Have you thought about adding this feature for the GGG and hobo some day?
@churl2 - You're welcome. jaadams5 == fronobulax. My SourceForge account is about 8 years old and was set up at a time when I needed it professionally which suggested a user ID more in line with the Real World.

@churl2 - I get paid to develop on whatever OS the customer wants ;) Unfortunately that, combined with a desire to play various games that only run under Windows, means my personal laptop runs Windows. That in turn makes it the easiest environment for KoLmafia work. I do have Cygwin and a couple of virtual *nix machines "if and when" I need them.

@St and Bale - I'm kind of hoping someone else will tackle extending this to the CLI (and then feed me a patch) since I don't have a slimeling or any familiar that gets fed, for that matter.
This addition doesn't take into account items fed through the cli. :(

I went to the CLI and typed "slimeling oversized pizza cutter"
I went to the item manager, selected a vorpal blade, and hit the Slimeling button.

My session log has the following in it:

familiar Slimeling (24 lbs)

feed 1 oversized pizza cutter to Slimeling (estimated 10.0 charges)

feed 1 vorpal blade to Slimeling (estimated 9.0 charges)
What did you do that didn't work?
No. You can't find such a preference because there's no logical reason to provide you such a preference.

Well, I was looking for such a thing due to the reason Bale posted here. I figured I could manually reset the fullness and feed fresh and get a more true fullness number till my slimeling proved empty again.
Another bug is that it does not increase the slimeling fullness when feeding it accessories. If the slimeling fullness gets stuck at a positive number I can get it down to 0 by feeding it accessories and letting it generate some more mana for me.
This... could possibly be fixed by doing stuff with equipment requirements? (Of course, that'd return an error for brimstone, but why the heck would you feed a slimeling brimstone?! The other option would be to check what the item smashes into... but that seems like way too much effort)
Another bug is that it does not increase the slimeling fullness when feeding it accessories.

The KoL wiki states:
The number of MP charges that you will receive is equal to: Power/10 +/- 1.
I wouldn't consider this as a bug, as I haven't seen anything yet about the amount of charges an accessory gives (either on the KoL Wiki or a couple of clan forums).

Of course, accessories don't have a power, and it doesn't seem possible to be reliably link power to stat requirement. I haven't seen any data gathering (it wouldn't be complex, just long and boring) on the amount of charges a given accessory would give - at least ascension relevant ones.

It would be great to find out if smash results can help determine the amount of charges though. I think I'll have a go at that once I get out of BM.
I wouldn't consider this as a bug, as I haven't seen anything yet about the amount of charges an accessory gives (either on the KoL Wiki or a couple of clan forums).

Of course, accessories don't have a power, and it doesn't seem possible to be reliably link power to stat requirement. I haven't seen any data gathering (it wouldn't be complex, just long and boring) on the amount of charges a given accessory would give - at least ascension relevant ones.

Considering that for most cases power is equivalent to the stat requirement, the pulverizing table could be used as a good starting point for converting stat req to power, but I have to confess that has a lot of holes in it. Spading is definitely needed.