Feature - Implemented Track Mafia thumb ring gained adventures

Well same with vivala's _vmaskAdv for instance, helps with tracking how effective I was during each turn. For ex my_adventures() before a battle is say, 500, then after battle since I earn a thumbring adv mafia still reports my_adventures() as 500, so it appears I got a bunch of meat/items/whatever but didn't have to spend an adventure for it. But if I encountered say a Goth Kid monster and I really *didn't* spend an adv, I can account for that because mafia tracks it. Likewise if vivala gives me an adv while fighting a dirty hippy I can see I *did* spend an adventure, because _vmaskAdvs is one higher even though my_adventures() isn't reporting a diff. That make sense?
It makes sense, but it's not enough of a reason for me to think it's worth tracking. Vivala mask adventures are tracked because they are limited to 10 per day, and knowing when you can't get any more is useful.
I wonder if there is a max? Tracking it would help figure that out, I feel like there's been a lot less spading as this game ages so who knows.
I mean, it's like tracking meat or anything you gain from spending an adv right? Earning an extra adventure is a pretty valuable thing you might earn, tracking what sources (like gibberer, vmask, hare, etc) gave it to you seems pretty valuable to me at least, especially for determining using this accessory vs another one. If there is no limit on the thumb ring then it's even more like the hare/gibberer which also don't have caps. And the only condition that has to be referenced is if a text string appears at the end of combat right?
Hare/Gibberer wait until rollover to give their adventures, so you have a reason to track them after they happen.

I've been assuming a 5% rate for the extra adventures.
well I'm not gonna die on the cross to try and get this implemented :) But mafia already tracks a lot of similiar-if-not-more random/fiddly/"useless" stuff, and multiple people have expressed interest in using the feature but if that's still not enough so be it
also I think related to this is mafia doesn't display the after battle message that you gained an adv from the ring? it shows all my stat/mp/item/meat gains and things the vivala and familiar did etc, but doesn't display that the thumb ring triggered? It would be nice to at least be able to search the combat log for thumb ring activations
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There is some text that is generated when it triggers, correct? What is it?
FightRequest (or ???) needs to look for the text. If found, it increments a tracking preference and emits a log message.
Probably don't need to look for the text unless the ring is equipped.
A new daily resetting preference needs to be created and given a default.

If the above is close to correct I will try and give it a shot.
That is indeed correct.
It's located between the ballroom song and the adventure again link, for me anyway.

<p>You walloped your enemy so thoroughly, thanks to your weighty thumb ring, that you actually knocked them back into last week.... guess this current fight didn't take any time!</p>
<center><table><tbody><tr><td><img src="/images/itemimages/hourglass.gif" height="30" width="30" alt="Adventures"></td><td valign="center">You gain 1 Adventure.</td></tr></tbody></table></center>
Try 18378

_mafiaThumbRingAdvs is the preference, defaulting to 0.

Lightly tested. It triggered once, I saw the preference incremented and a message in the session log.
Looks like it's working for me: 519 total adv, 21 thumb ring advs. What about adding it to the daily deed panel where the "Advs" section lists gibberer and Vmask? Thanks for implementing this fronobulax!
Looks like it's working for me: 519 total adv, 21 thumb ring advs. What about adding it to the daily deed panel where the "Advs" section lists gibberer and Vmask? Thanks for implementing this fronobulax!

Since I don't have either of those, what's the reason? Is it just an informative status or what? I think of Daily Deeds as containing things that can be performed a limited number of times a day and require some kind of action on my part. This doesn't fit that. I'll look but there is a part of me that might wonder about removing the gibberer and Vmask from Daily Deeds and finding another home :-)
The defaults.txt file has spaces instead of tabs for _mafiaMiddleFingerRingUsed and _mafiaThumbRingAdvs, so they're not parsed right.
Thanks. What made you aware of the problem? It was lightly tested but I missed the symptoms. Tangentially, the middle finger preference was a typo I fixed. "use" instead of "user" I believe.