Feature - Implemented Track Floundry fishing locations

Malibu Stacey

Active member
Not sure if this has been feature requested before but it would be most appreciated if we could have access to the day's fishing locations. E.g. today it looks like this in game

carp: The Deep Dark Jungle
cod: Camp Logging Camp
trout: The Oasis
bass: The Unquiet Garves
hatchetfish: The Fungal Nethers
tuna: The Skeleton Store

These are unchanged throughout the day and the same for all clans.

If there were properties such as _floundryCarpLocation, _floundryCodLocation etc. set to the appropriate location as above and/or a function such as location[string] get_fishing_locations() which returns a map with the keys set to "cod", "trout", "bass" etc. & the appropriate value for location, it would help people like myself who create & maintain scripts.

Thanks in advance.
This would be helpful in clans like mine, where some users find themselves "in debt" as the clan keeps track of who uses what from the floundry and expects clan members to at least put back what was taken.
I despise clans who don’t assume that their members will “do the right thing” without all sorts of checks to whack ‘em if they don’t.

Fortunately, my clan assumes that its members are not dicks.

Apparently, some clans assume their members ARE dicks - unless their constant checks demonstrate the opposite.

I am sorry your clan assumes you are a dick unless you can prove you are not.

If it is trivial to provide anti-dick-proofness to inferior clans like that, why not?
I despise clans who don’t assume that their members will “do the right thing” without all sorts of checks to whack ‘em if they don’t.

Fortunately, my clan assumes that its members are not dicks.

Apparently, some clans assume their members ARE dicks - unless their constant checks demonstrate the opposite.

I am sorry your clan assumes you are a dick unless you can prove you are not.

If it is trivial to provide anti-dick-proofness to inferior clans like that, why not?

tbh I think you went a bit overboard with that. I do think Vlad's comment was a bit overboard, but the point of this feature request wasn't about that either.

I think if a clan wants to track this sort of thing they'd be parsing the clan activity log, and this feature request would have absolutely nothing to do with tracking. Just with helping scripts farm fish.

The worst this script could contribute is "If you want to use the floundry, you need to farm up fish. We recommend this script"
Fair enough. My response was to Vlad, and I was not taking issue with the OP’s proposal. (I have personally never intentionally farmed for fish - although I have contributed many simply by adventuring where I needed to be. Nor have I ever actually taken anything from the Floundry.)

But if some people do want to run fishing scripts, something like the OP’s feature request is perfectly reasonable.
In Garbo, sometimes we have wandering Knob Goblin Embezzlers from digitize that we don't have a particularly profitable place to drop them, and knowing where each fish was would be nice to consider different locations.
I can probably work on making an ash function for this starting on Tuesday, if no one has done so yet. I wonder if it would also be useful to check a clan's current fish-stock, but that's something that changes enough that you'd need to do a server hit every time.
tbh I think you went a bit overboard with that. I do think Vlad's comment was a bit overboard, but the point of this feature request wasn't about that either.

I think if a clan wants to track this sort of thing they'd be parsing the clan activity log, and this feature request would have absolutely nothing to do with tracking. Just with helping scripts farm fish.

The worst this script could contribute is "If you want to use the floundry, you need to farm up fish. We recommend this script"
How is stating that the clan I belong to keeps track of people's floundry use "overboard"? I was saying that this feature would be good for letting people know where they can fish to replace what the clan expects us to put back.
How is stating that the clan I belong to keeps track of people's floundry use "overboard"? I was saying that this feature would be good for letting people know where they can fish to replace what the clan expects us to put back.
Because it sounds like you're aggressively chasing after people that don't "give back"
In Garbo, sometimes we have wandering Knob Goblin Embezzlers from digitize that we don't have a particularly profitable place to drop them, and knowing where each fish was would be nice to consider different locations.
This is exactly the use case I requested this for (y)
I can probably work on making an ash function for this starting on Tuesday, if no one has done so yet. I wonder if it would also be useful to check a clan's current fish-stock, but that's something that changes enough that you'd need to do a server hit every time.
It's not something I would personally use but being able to check the fish stocks might be useful to some people especially if they would want to do something like if (carp_stocked > 10) { create(1, $item[carpe]); }
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