Feature - Rejected Track Black Day and Sleazy Jellied npc discounts


> ash have_skill($skill[five finger discount])

Returned: true

> ash npc_price($item['Villa' document])

Returned: 95000000

> equip trav trousers

Putting on Travoltan trousers...
Equipment changed.

> ash npc_price($item['Villa' document])

Returned: 90000000

> up black day

Searching for "post-holiday sale coupon"...
Search complete.
Purchasing post-holiday sale coupon (1 @ 100)...
Purchases complete.
Using 1 post-holiday sale coupon...
You acquire an effect: Black Day (1)
Finished using 1 post-holiday sale coupon.

> ash npc_price($item['Villa' document])

Returned: 90000000

> up sleazy jellied

Searching for "sleaze jelly"...
Search complete.
Purchasing sleaze jelly (1 @ 8,985)...
Purchases complete.
Chewing 1 sleaze jelly...
You gain 50 Smarm
You acquire an effect: Sleazy Jellied (50)
Finished chewing 1 sleaze jelly.

> ash npc_price($item['Villa' document])

Returned: 90000000

Black Day and Sleazy Jellied each provide a 10% discount, having both along with five finger discount and equipping Travoltan trousers gives a 30% discount.

Black Day is probably trivial to support as the effect is removed when an item is bought and number of turns remaining doesn't matter.

Sleazy jellied is probably less trivial, from my testing it appears that gaining the effect by chewing a sleaze jelly (and probably also toast with sleaze jelly) increments a kol internal counter, you can then shrug off the effect and the next item you buy will still be discounted. That counter also appears to stack and using two sleaze jellies will provide discounts for the next two npc items. I'm not sure if it persists through rollover.
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Black Day forces you to only buy 1 of the item for its discount. Sleaze jelly's effect is best used when buying thousands of an item at a time for a bulk discount, or for expensive items. Neither of those seem like the type of thing someone would want to automate when taking advantage of them. I also predict problems for any automation (from a script or internally) that assumes 5 different purchases will all have reduced prices, but only the first one does because these get used up. Supporting this in a satisfying way seems non-trivial, and it's possibly better if they are left unsupported.