New Content - Implemented Top Menu changes

I haven't started toying with this yet, but after a quick look at the html I wondered if setting a numeric value and replacing that number (and X after it) in the scheme would work well. It'd need a bit of cleverness by the user to set, but would give as much flexibility in the placement of the drop down as the new buttons give.
14415. Mafia won't resize the topmenu to make the menus fit, but you can add extra rows of icons to make the top frame tall enough.
Well done. I will point out a wierdness:



Note how the "Exec" button renders differently in the icon topmenu. There is a slew of CSS and such associated with awesomemenu. I wonder if there is a style or class or something that needs to be added to the button to make it render in system default style, rather than ugly boxy style? If so, chances are it is harmless to add to the button even if not in awesomemenu, since that will not have a css that will interpret it differently.
Actually, REMOVING class="button" made it not apply awsomemenu's button style to the button.
Revision 14416