tiny plastic series 2: buying, DCing, stashing, sending


Here's a little script I whipped up to get the new tiny plastic trophy without manually buying, DCing, and un DCing all 64 of the tiny plastic toys.

You'll need a little bit of familiarity with ash to use this, but not much. Basically, theres a setting near the top which you can turn on to cause the script to print out what it would do. I highly recommend you use this before attempting to do anything with this script. I refuse to be held liable for this script accidentally pulverizing your tiny plastic naughty sorceress...

Then, theres the main loop near the bottom. I've already filled in some of the common actions you would want to do with this script. Buying the tiny plastic commons and uncommons, DCing all of them, taking out the rares (so you can send them back to whoever loaned them to you), sending the rares to someone (I recommend you do that by hand, just to be super extra safe), taking all the tiny plastics out your DC, and sending all the tiny plastics to someone (share them once you've gotten the trophy!).
Simply remove the comment (# symbol at the start of the line) for whatever you want to do, and comment out everything else in the main loop. I recommend you be careful with this, and dont queue up all your actions in one go. Check, buy, check, DC, check, un DC, check, send.

This scriptlet could conceivably put the tiny plastics into your stash, or put them into your store, or even pulverize them, although I haven't tested it doing that.

Enjoy your trophy!
well it's really really old and probably pre-existed these forums. You can check out my TPChecker script noted in my signature, if you're interested in seeing which plastics you're missing and acquire missing ones. My script won't move anything, but it will tell you what's in your DC and what needs to be added still.