New Content - Implemented There's no spray paint in the general store any more.


Active member
According to the wiki "The spray paint was removed along with The Graffiti Wall on April 1st, 2019." It is still listed in "src/data/npcstores.txt".

I did try to make a pull request and got all the hard stuff figured out, but I couldn't get my token to authenticate over https for the final push. All to just delete one line.
It sounds like you may have cloned the original repo on github without first creating your own fork. Or, if you created your own fork, you probably just cloned the repo via HTTPS instead of SSH.

You may want to run something like...
$ git remote --verbose
origin (fetch)
origin (push)
$ git remote set-url origin

(of course, substituting your github username where I've written "heeheehee-kolmafia")

Hmm. Once I added my public key to that Github account it seemed to work and I made a pull request.

I've use rcs, cvs, svn, hg and git. I still find git the most confusing.
Glad to hear that you got it working. Git is... different, although it's certainly closer to hg than all the other ones you listed (both in terms of release date and also data model).
Hmm. Once I added my public key to that Github account it seemed to work and I made a pull request.

I've use rcs, cvs, svn, hg and git. I still find git the most confusing.

Ditto except hg. I can get things done with git because GitHub Desktop has good training wheels and I pretend Git is SVN and focus on SVN equivalents when I can find them.

I learned, long ago, that most text editors supported the same commands so I focus on how to do something I can do in another editor rather than become a power user of any particular editor. EMACS folks, in particular, don't understand me :-) That kind of helped with Git. To give credit I will also say that the KoLmafia devs who know Git well have been pretty kind and patient in assisting me when I was clearly beyond my abilities.