New Content - Implemented The Wok was Removed (trying to create chow mein gives seal-clubbing club)

boring spaghetti: size 3 -> size 4
evil boring spaghetti: size 3 -> size 4
fettucini Inconnu: size 6 -> size 5
ghuol guolash: size 3 -> size 5

Surely the old consumption data is no longer valid, and these become Unspaded?
I should think so too, I have an alt gradually spading the new stuff, and greycat was posting useful data on GD too, which I've incorporated.

ghoul goulash is the oddest one, as it still drops naturally as well as being crafted.
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Revision 16066 puts in all the new items, leaving their consumption data "Unspaded" and resets the consumption data for items that have changed size. It does not add any of the recipes for the new items. And KoL has not done its hi mein revamp yet, has it?
I haven't seen it mebtioned in /updates, /trivials, chat, reddit, or the forums, so probably not yet. Maybe tuesday. Unless inline descriptions are a nerf to hi meins.
Wrong adv/full for Fettucini Inconnu

KoLmafia is currently reporting it as 2.4 adv/full (v. 16075) when the most current spading shows 3.7 as the true adv/full.
The current range in Mafia is 1-1, unspaded. If it takes 5 full, and you have milk, saucemaven (as a myst class), and, I dunno, mayoflex, then Mafia thinks it'll yield 12 adventures for 5 fullness.
r16078 Adds some (speculative) spading for some new food items.

The level 7 required pasta recipes seem to give 16-19 adv, 3.5 per full, and 20-30 to a stat (weirdly, one is good and other awesome)
The level 8 require reagent pasta recipes seem to give 17-20 adv, 3.7 per full, and 25-30 to a stat, and are affected by Saucemaven
The level 9 required pasta recipes seem to give 18-22 adv, 4 per full, and 20-30 to a stat

I would expect ghoul guolosh matches the first now, and Fettucini Inconnu matches the second now, and give myst, but haven't yet seen spading or tested myself to show that, so haven't updated mafia.

I'd normally wait til I'm sure, but with the number of new food items, this could be weeks, and they are too important not to have at least rough figures.
r16080 adds my guesses for those two, as three datapoints lay in those ranges (which is a huge change on goulash)
Just jumped into a PM from Actually Ed, hi meins are reported as still being a 5.3 adv/full (w/saucemaven) instead of 5.9. This might be because mafia didn't properly check that my class changed when I left Ed path (but did see that my skills were changed to know I had saucemaven).
No, because it went back to detecting 5.9 once I ate the hi mein. Nor did I think to try. Just throwing out some possible things to try next time around so I remember to test them, or someone else hopefully does.
Mafia checks for you being a myst class, so even if it thought you were still Ed (I doubt it did) that wouldn't explain anything. 5.3 means that 2 adventures were added, instead of 3 or 5 from saucemaven.
> creatable_amount linguini of the sea

Returned: 6

> create linguini of the sea

Verifying ingredients for linguini of the sea (1)...
Creating linguini of the sea (1)...
Creation failed, no results detected.
In the relay browser:
Those two items don't combine to make anything tasty.
Cook 1 imitation White Russian + 1 scrumdiddlyumptious solution
8539	Alexy sauce	811157373	gravy.gif	none	t,d	65
# Item Alexy sauce
Cook 1 savory dry noodles + 1 Alexy sauce
8542	Fettris	717020128	bowl.gif	food	t,d	85
Fettris	5	11	awesome	1-1	0	0	0	Unspaded
# Item Fettris
Cook 1 scrumdiddlyumptious solution + 1 colorful toad
8540	rainbow sauce	772149264	gravy.gif	none	t,d	65
# Item rainbow sauce
Cook 1 rainbow sauce + 1 savory dry noodles
8543	fusillocybin	663003490	bowl.gif	food	t,d	85
fusillocybin	5	11	awesome	1-1	0	0	0	Unspaded
# Item fusillocybin
Cook 1 pill cup + 1 scrumdiddlyumptious solution
8541	drug cocktail sauce	829151476	gravy.gif	none	t,d	65
# Item drug cocktail sauce
Cook 1 drug cocktail sauce + 1 savory dry noodles
8544	prescription noodles	201443024	bowl.gif	food	t,d	85
prescription noodles	5	11	awesome	1-1	0	0	0	Unspaded
# Item prescription noodles