The Unpermery override


In case anyone doesn't know, you can unperm skills for the next 29 days in the account menu.

I've added an unpermery override to my Modular Choice Override script. I have way too many skills to remember what they all do. It's not the prettiest but it should be helpful. Head over there to download.

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Considering that I have all the skills and enough banked Karma to buy all the new class skills immediately, it's clearly not for me. Although I will be low on karma, should there be new Crimbo skills this year. Guess I need to keep ascending!
Considering that I have all the skills and enough banked Karma to buy all the new class skills immediately, it's clearly not for me.

Same for me, which while convenient, makes me feel a little cheated on the joy of earning them one-by-one. It also makes me feel that I am missing out on the nice part of Class Act II. What is the big deal about being able to play with all 30 class skills, when that's just normal for me... sigh... Every silver lining has a dark cloud.

Although I will be low on karma, should there be new Crimbo skills this year. Guess I need to keep ascending!

OH! Silver lining! Though after HC perming them all, I'll still have enough karma for another 9 Hardcore perms so I'm not exactly hurting for it. I wonder if Jick will every add the long longed for karma store to Valhalla......
I may well unperm some on some hardcore CA2 runs, before softcore perming them. I can't afford to buy all the skills, though had everything HC permed after the sealclubber revamp, so I'm not far off. That way I can more quickly have everything softcore permed, so I can then hardcore perm them in whichever order I care about. It won't matter til Feburary as I'll be in CA2 or aftercore til then.