The Towering Inferno Discotheque visit


Staff member
The The Towering Inferno Discotheque lets you visit there once/day wearing velvet. Is there any way to detect this visit other than a visit_url() page check?
Nope. It wouldn't be a bad feature request to have an underline preference for it though since getting the volcoino is one of a set of 6 mutually exclusive things you can get once per day.
How many times used / uses left would be sufficient. It's not necessary to track what was chosen, is it?

It is enough that the log informs about what was chosen. Only one use per day, so number of times used / uses left is pretty simple.
Nothing I love more than dumping a custom preference in favor of a built-in one that's guaranteed to be named the same as everyone else's. Thanks, Darzil!