case "The Source":
if(get_property("sourceInterval").to_int() <= 400) {
// Boost initiative (and HP?) to deal with Source Agents
if(jump_chance($monster[Source Agent]) + 200 < 100) {
foreach sk in $skills[Springy Fusilli, Cletus's Canticle of Celerity, Walberg's Dim Bulb, Suspicious Gaze] {
if(jump_chance($monster[Source Agent]) + 200 >= 100) break;
if(have_effect(to_effect(sk)) == 0 && have_skill(sk))
use_skill(1, sk);
// If Agent is tough enough to survive Big Guns, use Ruthless Efficiency to enhance Humiliating Hack
if(have_skill($skill[Ruthless Efficiency]) && have_effect($effect[Ruthlessly Efficient]) < 1 && monster_hp($monster[source agent]) > (1 - min(.50, monster_level_adjustment() * .004)) * 300)
use_skill(1, $skill[Ruthless Efficiency]);
int jump_chance(monster mon, boolean clock_check) {
int init = 100 - mon.base_initiative + initiative_modifier()
+ max(0, my_primestat().my_basestat() - mon.base_attack);
if(mon == $monster[Source Agent] && have_skill($skill[Overclocked]))
init += 200;
return max(0, init);
May 24 - Source Agents now get less difficult if you run away from or are defeated by them. Runs-away also always work against them.
[441] The Hidden Office Building
Encounter: pygmy witch accountant
Round 0: Ezandora wins initiative!
Round 1: Ezandora wins the fight!
You acquire an item: McClusky file (page 5)
Use 1 boring binder clip + 1 McClusky file (page 1) + 1 McClusky file (page 2) + 1 McClusky file (page 3) + 1 McClusky file (page 4) + 1 McClusky file (page 5)
[441] The Hidden Office Building
Encounter: Agent Simmons
Round 0: Ezandora loses initiative!
It's part of a general bug, rather than source specific, also happens in random summer path. Basically any autocreation that happens after a combat that doesn't actually end that turn needs to be deferred somehow until after the combat finally ends. There is at least one separate bug report for it.Minor tracking/creation issue, when source agents replace a monster:
The McClusky file code runs while we're still in a fight with a source agent. This won't assemble the files, but seems to remove them from mafia's inventory tracking.Code:[441] The Hidden Office Building Encounter: pygmy witch accountant Round 0: Ezandora wins initiative! Round 1: Ezandora wins the fight! You acquire an item: McClusky file (page 5) Use 1 boring binder clip + 1 McClusky file (page 1) + 1 McClusky file (page 2) + 1 McClusky file (page 3) + 1 McClusky file (page 4) + 1 McClusky file (page 5) [441] The Hidden Office Building Encounter: Agent Simmons Round 0: Ezandora loses initiative!
May not be important enough to worry about?
I will of course be looking forward to CHIT colouring it!