Bug - Fixed The smarmy pirate drops the flaregun @ 29.7%


Current build r8809. Smarmy pirate is missing his flaregun drop, which the wiki states as observed at 29.7% (so, probably 30%.)

And, after checking the rest of The Obligatory Pirate's Cove pirates, the sassy pirate is also missing his flaregun drop (also at 30%.) [The shifty pirate, however, does have his flaregun drop listed.]

As an aside, the wiki doesn't know the drop rate of the Jolly Roger charrrm bracelet (??.?%) from the smarmy pirate; is the 20% that Mafia has an estimate, or a spaded number from some other source?


Staff member
Yiab used to publish Parsable Item Statistics based on his own item drop spading. He's stopped doing that, but in the most recent of those, the drop rate for the "charrrm" was 20%. Sometime after that, KoL introdiced different kinds of charrrms and made the pirate drop the Jolly Roger charrrm bracelet instead. We changed the name of dropped item from charrrm to Jolly Roger charrrm bracelet and left the drop percentage the same. We have no spade data to confirm that, but I'd wager that KoL did exactly the same thing.

Edit: Revision 8820
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