The Barrel Full of Barrels (ASH)


Run the script to open all barrels. (It aborts when you have no health or adventures.)

OR you can open certain barrels with:
Barrel( *Number of barrel here.*)
after importing the script.

Note: Untested.


Works great!

One suggestion... Can you have it check your health? And if it's at a certain percentage or below then heal.

I keep running it, then having to heal.

Thank you!
[quote author=PsychoKlown link=topic=66.msg328#msg328 date=1145336549]
One suggestion... Can you have it check your health? And if it's at a certain percentage or below then heal.

I currently do not have my own hp heal script so I left a section in the script that you can manually put your own hp heal script in.

 if( my_hp() <= 0)
//Or put what you use for a HP restore thing...
 cli_execute( "abort No HP");

Thats taken straight out of the script. If you want to use a hp heal script, change it to
 if( my_hp() < my_maxhp() * 0.Put-A-Percentage-Here)
 Put what you use for a HP restore thing here

(Or thats how I think it should work, never tested it with a hp restore script)
I had meant to respond to this earlier, but I had a crazy last few months. If I am reading the script correctly you are simply starting at barrel 1 and incrementing to open every single barrel one at a time. There should be a better process for this.

You should be able to figure out where every normal drink is by only opening two barrels per line. Alcohol is found in clusters of four two on this row and two on the corresponding squares directly beneath. So if we think about the Barrel Full of Barrels as a 6 by 6 grid and if we call the colums 1 through 6 and the verticles A through F, you should be able to locate where the drinks are on the first two rows by say, clicking on 1A and 4A and then b3 and b6. Where the grid is shown below. This will not get you every drink but you will know where the cluster of four is located at this point.

1 2 3 4 5 6

But it could take even less than 4 probes. If you probel 1a and find a drink (as is the case around 1/3rd of the time) then you know the other three on this level (3 levels comprising two veritcle lines each) are 2a 1b and 2b and need go no further probing. So instead of having to click 12 times to find everything on the first level, you could do it in as little as 4 or in the worst-case scenario 7 turns.

Now as for coding this, I assume you could increment by three and look for results. If booze is found, you would try to determine where that block of four is located and grab them all. The one thing you do know with a surety, it that if there is booze at say, A3 then there is definitely booze at B3, what you might not know for sure is if the block extends to A4 or A2 and below.
Actually, you can do even better than that. AFH has spaded the barrels and found they are not totally random. Locating certain barrels will tell you more than just what you've found. Rather than repeat it all, I refer you to their forum.
Since you left off the link, here it is.

I read through most of this a few weeks ago and it seemed the best bet statistically was to try the top left section or quadrant (divide the board like tic-tac-toe into 9 sections), then the top right as a second choice.

While occasionally booze will end up in the same column in the middle as the top, statistically it will be different so that narrows down the choices for the three sections of the middle row.

Bottom row is single adventure boozes like "shot of xx" and generally a pretty poor choice for the payoff unless you really need one more adventure.

Frankly this is one of those areas where it seems like if you need to use it, it is better to do it in the relay browser. I almost always choose the correct quadrant for the top row on the first try or in two picks and then if I need to can guess where the booze section is in the middle section. Based on where it was in the top row. There is a pattern and sometimes it will surprise, but rarely.
Bump because I was hoping someone would have written a script for exactly this (visiting every barrel, regardless of expected contents), for recent PvP reasons, so I could stop having to run through the barrels manually (it's not really the most interesting zone to adventure in). I sort of expected a script to have been written in the past couple of days, rather than in frelling 2006 (!), but I just ran it and it still works, so yay! Bumping it so other people who might be looking for it for similar reasons don't have to dig through a search to find it. :)