That area is unavailable


I am running kolmafia version 13.2 and when I try to autoadventure in Mcmillicancuddy's farm (post war) I get a message that says "That area is unavailable". I get the same message when I try to autoadventure in the giant castle as well. I tried using version 13.1 and still have the same problem. Any idea how I can fix it?



Also I just thought I might add that this problem started ever since I connected to the free wireless network at the holiday inn I'm currently at. The other day I didn't have this problem when I was using kolmafia at home on the wireless network.

I also can't autoadventure at the hole in the sky. This is what happens even though I have the intergalactic rowboat.

Visit to Beanstalk: Hole in the Sky in progress...
Verifying ingredients for intragalactic rowboat (1)...
You need 1 more S.O.C.K. to continue.
You need 1 more quantum egg to continue.
That area is not available.
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You "use update"? As in, the CLI command? That updates data files, but doesn't give you actual code changes - such as the one we had to put in to address the server-side change that broke the inventory page.

When it is suggested that you "use a daily build", we mean exactly that: go and download a build that includes the code changes. "update" will not help.
The "update" command should seriously be removed since it often confuses people into thinking that they're updating their program while simultaneously creating data files that will over-ride the default files when they actually do update their program.

I understand that the original concept of "update" was that kolMafia would become stable and people would only need to use the command to update latest items. Unfortunately that seems impossible since KoL is frequently changing in ways that make it impossible for mafia to ever stop evolving with it. This means the command can never fulfill that purpose

Since simply removing the update command would confuse people, so have it print a red message saying, "Please download a new build from: " and give them the url for this forum.
For some time now, all of the .exe versions I've tried say the ducks are unavailable although I can manually adventure there without difficulty. I forget exactly which version this began with, but I can definitely say that I've noticed this problem with 13.4, 13.7, and every Sunday update version I've bothered to try with.

I have yet to notice this problem with any of the .jar versions I've used.

It may be worth noting that I moved kolmafia from the location I initially used it. (I can't recall when, but it was probably at least a year ago.) I'm not sure if that is the cause, but I may try setting up a platform to test that when I can find the time...

In any case, I've resolved my problems by switching to a .jar version.