Bug - Cannot Reproduce Tattered scrap battleAction


"item tattered scrap of paper" does not seem to be accepted in the battleAction box on the adventure tab, and possibly causing a bug displayed in the following section of log:
[36493] The Slime Tube
Encounter: gaping Slime mouth
Round 0: xxx loses initiative!
You lose 388 hit points
Round 1: xxx uses the tattered scrap of paper!
You lose 9 hit points
Round 2: xxx uses the tattered scrap of paper!
You lose 39 hit points
Round 3: xxx uses the tattered scrap of paper!
Round 4: xxx casts WEAPON OF THE PASTALORD!
You acquire an item: slimy fermented bile bladder
You gain 29 Beefiness
You gain 71 Enchantedness
You gain 28 Smarm
> 55 tattered scraps of paper left!
if he means put "item tattered scrap of paper" in the ccs like this
[ default ]
item tattered scrap of paper

i got this

Visit to Beanstalk: Giant's Castle in progress...

[886] Giant's     Castle
Encounter: Raver Giant
Strategy:     C:\Users\god\Desktop\KoLmafia\ccs\default.ccs [default]
Round 0: mad     dudy wins initiative!
Round 1: mad dudy executes a macro!
Round 1:     mad dudy uses the tattered scrap of paper!
Round 2: mad dudy uses the     tattered scrap of paper!

Running ZLib version:     r33 (current)
Running libramBurn version:     0.98 (current)
Libram summon #9 when MP > 96.

Visit     to Beanstalk: Giant's Castle in progress...

[886] Giant's Castle
Encounter:     Furry Giant
Strategy: C:\Users\god\Desktop\KoLmafia\ccs\default.ccs     [default]
Round 0: mad dudy wins initiative!
Round 1: mad dudy     executes a macro!
Round 1: mad dudy uses the tattered scrap of paper!

Running     ZLib version: r33 (current)
Running     libramBurn version: 0.98 (current)
Libram     summon #9 when MP > 96.

Visit to Beanstalk: Giant's     Castle in progress...
KoLmafia declares world peace.

[886]     Giant's Castle
Encounter: Goth Giant
Strategy:     C:\Users\god\Desktop\KoLmafia\ccs\default.ccs [default]
Round 0: mad     dudy wins initiative!
Click     here to continue in the relay browser.

Round 1: mad dudy     casts RETURN!

tattered just didn't work for him
I honestly don't remember what I meant back then, but I haven't noticed any bugs like this recently, so yeah, seems Can't Reproduce would be best.
if he means put "item tattered scrap of paper" in the ccs
No, he meant:
"item tattered scrap of paper" does not seem to be accepted in the battleAction box
The problem is that the battleAction preference has to be one of the items in the Action drop-down. This drop-down has combat skills, and also "item actions with no cost". Tattered scraps is not among those, since they have a cost (you loose the item).

Mafia will only use item/skills in the drop-down as your battle action. Setting the property to something that isn't in the drop-down has unexpected consequences, because we don't check that the value is in that list in SetPreferencesCommand.java, but my guess is that it defaults to Attack with Weapon (or maybe custom combat script).
It looks like I was wrong:
> set battleAction = love song of smoldering passion

battleAction => item love song of smoldering passion

> adventure 1 Hamburglaris Shield Generator

Visit to Spaaace: Hamburglaris Shield Generator in progress...

[17010] Hamburglaris Shield Generator
Encounter: alien hamsterpus
Strategy: item love song of smoldering passion
Round 0: slyz wins initiative!
Round 1: slyz executes a macro!
Round 1: slyz uses the love song of smoldering passion!
Round 2: alien hamsterpus takes 310 damage.
You gain 45 Mojo Points
You lose 21 hit points
Round 2: slyz uses the love song of smoldering passion!
Round 3: alien hamsterpus takes 310 damage.
You gain 45 Mojo Points
Round 3: ET suddenly hurls itself at your opponent, slicing with its claws and gnawing savagely with its razor-sharp teeth and dealing 43 damage. Holy cow, man.
Round 3: alien hamsterpus takes 43 damage.
You lose 21 hit points
Round 3: slyz uses the love song of smoldering passion!
Round 4: alien hamsterpus takes 310 damage.
You gain 45 Mojo Points
You lose 20 hit points
Round 4: slyz uses the love song of smoldering passion!
Round 5: alien hamsterpus takes 310 damage.
You gain 32 Mojo Points
Round 5: ET's bells jingle merrily.
Round 5: ET suddenly hurls itself at your opponent, slicing with its claws and gnawing savagely with its razor-sharp teeth and dealing 37 damage. Holy cow, man.
Round 5: alien hamsterpus takes 37 damage.
Round 5: slyz wins the fight!
After Battle: ET doffs its top hat and gives you a little, "Hello my baby, hello my honey," kicking its legs and singing harmony with its second set of jaws.
You acquire an item: lunar isotope
You acquire an item: lunar isotope
You acquire an item: lunar isotope
You acquire an item: elven medi-pack
You acquire an item: elven magi-pack
After Battle: ET smiles on the inside. Unlike all other life-forms, it's doing it literally, with its second set of jaws.
You gain 62 Strongness
You gain 60 Magicalness
You gain 151 Sarcasm

Requests complete.

Let's leave this as Cannot Reproduce then.

EDIT: it turns out CombatActionManager.getCombatAction() uses whatever is in the battleAction preference anyway.
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