Bug - Fixed Sweatpants don't need to be equipped to cast sweat NC skills

Mafia is changing my pants when I cast Sweat Out Some Booze, where it can be cast just fine without switching pants. This is bad, because sometimes I am wearing pants that I cannot re-equip. (e.g. You can equip gear before breaking the prism after a Grey You run, whereupon you will be reduced to level 1, but you still have all your equipment on.)
But surely those pants have no in-game effect if you have them equipped but you no longer meet the requirements to equip them?
That's been the way it's worked for the last 15 or so years.
Has something changed?
But surely those pants have no in-game effect if you have them equipped but you no longer meet the requirements to equip them?
That's been the way it's worked for the last 15 or so years.
Has something changed?
Finishing a Grey You sets your base stats to 1, which people get around by putting things on prior to prism break. If designer sweatpants get equipped, that locks them out of those other pants. It's degenerate farm looping nonsense. The usual. ;)
But surely those pants have no in-game effect if you have them equipped but you no longer meet the requirements to equip them?
That's been the way it's worked for the last 15 or so years.
Has something changed?
If you are wearing equipment you don't meet the requirements for, you get all the normal benefits of that equipment. You just can't put them back on if you take them off.
I am pretty sure it didn't used to be that way.

Well, if you don't need to equip the sweatpants, clearly we shouldn't do an item swap.