Bug - Fixed svn delete breaks symbolic link


Staff member
I have symbolic links from various KoLmafia directories to the equivalent in Dropbox.
For example, ccs, data, git, images, planting, relay, scripts, settings, svn.

I created a github repository for one of my scripts.
I wanted to replace the svn version with the git version.

I went to the Script Manager and right clicked on the (svn) script
I selected "Delete Script".
It removed the repo under svn. Cool.
It removed the script from "scripts" and its data from "data". (As expected.)

The "scripts" and "data" symbolic links are now gone.

I used "git checkout" to install my git script.

The "scripts" and "data" directories are present again - but no longer symbolic links.

I originally blamed "git checkout" for this because I didn't notice the issue until I had done both the uninstall/install.
I was wrong. It's "svn delete", not "git checkout" which broke the symbolic links.

That's a major bug.


Staff member
Here's what happened yesterday when I uninstalled the svn version of combo.

Uninstalling project...Loathing-Associates-Scripting-Society-combo-branches-release
../../CloudStorage/Dropbox/KoLmafia/root/scripts/combo/combo.js => DELETED
../../CloudStorage/Dropbox/KoLmafia/root/scripts/combo => DELETED
../../CloudStorage/Dropbox/KoLmafia/root/scripts => DELETED
../../CloudStorage/Dropbox/KoLmafia/root/data/raretiles.json => DELETED
../../CloudStorage/Dropbox/KoLmafia/root/data => DELETED
Project uninstalled.Loathing-Associates-Scripting-Society-combo-branches-release

Here is today when I uninstalled the svn version of VeracitySpacegate:

Uninstalling project...veracity0-spacegate
../../CloudStorage/Dropbox/KoLmafia/root/scripts/SpacegateExplorer.ash => DELETED
../../CloudStorage/Dropbox/KoLmafia/root/scripts/SpacegateImport.ash => DELETED
../../CloudStorage/Dropbox/KoLmafia/root/scripts/VeracitySpacegate.ash => DELETED
../../CloudStorage/Dropbox/KoLmafia/root/scripts/SpacegateFixData.ash => DELETED
../../CloudStorage/Dropbox/KoLmafia/root/scripts/SpacegateData.ash => DELETED
../../CloudStorage/Dropbox/KoLmafia/root/scripts => DELETED
../../CloudStorage/Dropbox/KoLmafia/root/data/SpacegatePlanetsAuxVeracity.txt => DELETED
../../CloudStorage/Dropbox/KoLmafia/root/data/SpacegatePlanetsAuxPublic.txt => DELETED
../../CloudStorage/Dropbox/KoLmafia/root/data/SpacegatePlanetsPublic.txt => DELETED
../../CloudStorage/Dropbox/KoLmafia/root/data/SpacegateTrophiesPublic.txt => DELETED
../../CloudStorage/Dropbox/KoLmafia/root/data/SpacegatePlanetsVeracity.txt => DELETED
../../CloudStorage/Dropbox/KoLmafia/root/data/Spacegate.1.tsv => DELETED
../../CloudStorage/Dropbox/KoLmafia/root/data/SpacegateTrophiesVeracity.txt => DELETED
../../CloudStorage/Dropbox/KoLmafia/root/data/Spacegate.0.tsv => DELETED
../../CloudStorage/Dropbox/KoLmafia/root/data => DELETED
Project uninstalled.veracity0-spacegate


Staff member
Sigh. I fixed this, but I forgot to put it into a branch and when I pushed it, it went straight in to the codebase.

FWIW, it was super simple change.
